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AARP Article


Apr 30, 2009
First Name

I came across this one-sided article from AARP that uses very negative wording to describe getting a car loan from a dealer. Terms like " too many ways for them to rip you off" and "may keep on gouging us". Just thought I would pass along, especially if any of you are doing any advertising in/with AARP or local affiliated companies.

Might also be something that you want to share or pass along to your OEM reps that also advertise or endorse AARP. I did see Chevrolet (GM) advertising, and know in the past they have offered $1000 for AARP members.
Nice find, although these are the types of articles I wish were never found by anyone. It amazes me that these companies whose living depends on us as Automotive Salespeople to provide them with a living (be nice to see AARP disclose how many car loans they write at beyond the ripoff deal of .9%) continue to degrade us as professionals who offer solutions to problems and in most cases customer service that goes beyond plenty of industries (ever use a home contractor?) Although AARP's income isn't derived purely from car loans our industry has lots to do with keeping lots of industries afloat and we should get some respect for it instead of being badmouthed by anyone with a keyboard.

This thread reminds me of one from last year http://forum.dealerrefresh.com/f21/cargurus-calls-dealers-cheats-1179.html

I for one would like to see the journalism industry reform to being as responsible to consumers as ours has.