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Websites made by a company that doesn't specialize in dealerships?

But that's what they are - prototypes :) There are many talented people at large industry website vendors that can churn out phenomenal work - but a lot of dealers don't care to pay for this. It's not something dealers are demanding. If eCommerce becomes more important to the industry then this is much more useful. For now, IMO this software/service is DOA.

This does tend to be the case. That said, the right dealership could help to change this. I think we are at the point where it's now about changing consumer mindset - most of my clients are willing to change if we recommend it strongly enough.
A/B Testing, running multiple sites, trying new things.. this is what we do as providers.
If you aren't going to take the risk, make the investment and put in the effort.. who is?

I'm not going to sit around and wait for Dealer.com to decide what's best and then copy that - we shouldn't all make sites that are the same, we shouldn't template all our stores into one standard layout and some CSS color changes and we shouldn't settle for what we have now.

I see far too much stagnancy in this industry already.

For sure, in my previous comment I was referencing custom work on a client by client basis. If you're re-using code across a large client base you could definitely afford to roll out new features and experiment a little. More than what's currently being done. I think DDC has improved quite a bit in this area since bringing Joe on board.
I agree - it's not just UI. It's about user flow, getting from one vehicle to the next, educating the consumer with enough information points, making them feel comfortable, making them feel like they understand the value you offer in-store, etc.

UI is just the layer we use to transport visitors through information.
I know you have much experience, far more than I do, and I respect that.
That said, I don't understand how you can have this attitude when offering this service to your customers.

A/B Testing, running multiple sites, trying new things.. this is what we do as providers.
If you aren't going to take the risk, make the investment and put in the effort.. who is?

I'm not going to sit around and wait for Dealer.com to decide what's best and then copy that - we shouldn't all make sites that are the same, we shouldn't template all our stores into one standard layout and some CSS color changes and we shouldn't settle for what we have now.

I see far too much stagnancy in this industry already.


You got that wrong.

My attitude is that of investing a lot on getting the best to my customers; we invest so much that in fact I question how much can just one store invest on their own as the only client--which I think was the discussion.