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Digital Dealer Roll Call


Uncle Joe
Apr 7, 2009
First Name
Who's going to Digital Dealer?

I've never been, I am an advanced player, and I'm wondering what I'll find.

So far, all I am going to do is have an adult beverage and some awesome chat with my pal Alex, but other than that...

What's on your agenda for DD#8??
p.s. If you see the noob that made the DD website http://www.digitaldealerconference.com/, remind him/her about why "opt in video" is smart business. C'mon DD marketing peeps! On every friggin page the first thing I do is race to find the un-invited video and pause it! Reminds me of the chat vendors not listening to my "not right now/goto park" button request. grrr...
Joe - almost all conferences are Digital 101 in the sessions. I have picked up a very small nugget here and there from some of the presenters. There are others I want to jump on the stage and rip the microphone out of their ignorant hands. However, Digital Dealer is probably the best conference for our ilk. If you don't go to any presentations there is definitely the "hall conversation" aspect that is very good. I've had some great debates out in the halls and those have been priceless.

With that said, I think GOSO and Dealer.com will have some good stuff to present. I'm looking forward to seeing what Keith Latman of iMagicLab is going to be showing off. It is always fun to listen to Paglia school on things he himself does not practice. And my all time favorite presenter is definitely "Da Man" Ziegler - his message is so absolutely wrong, but he puts me in stitches presenting it :rofl: - I love that guy!
I'll be in attendance , looking forward to seeing everyone. I'll be on a panel on Wednesday called dominating the online jungle, so Alex if you are in the audience, wait until after the session to rip the microphone out of my hand.