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Future of TV, Cable, Satellite advertising

Alex Snyder

President Skroob
Staff member
May 1, 2006
First Name
A few weeks ago I turned a Mac Mini into my home entertainment hub and discovered the wonderful world of TV broadcasting through things like Hulu, Boxee, and Plex. In fact, I am enjoying streaming my TV shows so much that I am considering canceling Cable (huge savings for me).

This has got me thinking a lot about the future of television. Right now it is the king of traditional advertising, but I am starting to think its days are numbered. What do you guys think?

By the way, here is my Mac Mini project: Mac Mini as Home Entertainment Hub Photographic Expeditions of Alex Snyder if you need further clarification of what the future could be.
I don't know about the big picture, but In the short term it appears that the Internet and Social Media in particular have actually helped TV Ratings - live events especially.

NY Times Article - TV Ratings Rise, Maybe With Internet's Help

Your post also got me wondering how DVRs have impacted television advertising revenue, and I found the following from NY Times as well:
DVR, Once TV’s Mortal Foe, Helps Ratings

Nice set up by the way, Alex! Netflix would be perfect for you, they have a nice selection of online streaming content available in addition to their traditional DVD mailing deal. I can play them right through my xbox. Also TVersity is a great app for streaming sites like Hulu to your TV.
TV is dead, and has been for a while. Commericals and advertising are even more dead.

We have cable, but rarely watch anything on it (well, the hockey game Canada vs. US was absolutely on). Shows online are much more convenient, and I can't stand commercials, and most of the time you can download the HD version. Plus, whenever something good is on we're busy: 8pm is not the prime time to watch The Big Bang Theory...

The only channels that do get viewing time are the two without commercials. Family Channel and what I call "channel 30" but really have no idea what it is.. it plays movies.
Nice set up by the way, Alex! Netflix would be perfect for you, they have a nice selection of online streaming content available in addition to their traditional DVD mailing deal. I can play them right through my xbox. Also TVersity is a great app for streaming sites like Hulu to your TV.

I have Netflix. Until they offer it in HD on computers I will continue to stream it through the XBOX.
They need to figure out how to do targeted marketing based on household and do 1 to 1 marketing with TV ads. TV over the internet should usher in this new era and allow it to be more dynamic. One of these days we will be able to stream any TV show or movie ever made over the internet.
They need to figure out how to do targeted marketing based on household and do 1 to 1 marketing with TV ads. TV over the internet should usher in this new era and allow it to be more dynamic. One of these days we will be able to stream any TV show or movie ever made over the internet.

This is only a matter of time.

I also envision hyperlinks embedded into commercials or even during a TV show (when it's relevant) .. "clicking" on the embedded hyperlink would pause your program while bringing up your browser to the designated website.

I'm always back and forth with TV. Currently, I think if bought right (price/frequency/message) it can still be an effective medium. Admittedly, I record almost everything I watch between the hours of 7-10. Between 10 and 11 I'm usually watching what I recorded earlier while skipping through most of the commercials.

However, I do still watch some live TV. Usually between the hours of 11 - 12:30 -- of course I usually have the laptop fired up sitting on my lap (as it is right now).

The point here is...it becomes to fragmented, making it harder and harder to capture consumers at mass.

Where do you put your money? Yes..I know...Internet, and I'm all for that but as someone that has to consider ALL avenues of marketing, you have to consider the geo and demo and then buy accordingly.
As long as there are millions of viewers still watching TV,and occupying other traditional channels, I feel there are opportunities.

I'm a strong believer in the creative element. Place strong creative in a TV spot, that connects your online content, and you have the makings of a successful message - a message the has the ability to create additional, immediate action.

Jeff & I can't be the only two people who pull up something on our laptops within seconds of seeing it on TV...
I never, and I mean never, watch TV except for "event" like shows. Basically the superbowl.

All my other TV I get online from hulu or other dedicated sites. Some of my "TV" comes from direct-to-internet shows that have no ties to regular TV at all.