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Homepage Tips for conversion


I can't tell you how many people and businesses DON'T adhere to this basic tip. Refreshing to see that some still know this.

Matt and I used F pattern eye mapping results in the layout of the site we built, Used Car King - Used Cars & Trucks | Syracuse, Utica, Binghamton, Rochester, Central New York 2 major design tenets were F pattern and above the fold layouts.

I really want to try to blow up the "above the fold" theory with some a/b testing (Matt.. why don't you answer your phone lately? ;-)

Screw the Home page, it's the "fly over" page. put all your time and energy in the VDPs (Vehicle Detail Pages) and work up from there.

Want Proof?: The Best, Most Profitable Home Page in History

I just want to point out that Joe is the man who has challenged me the most in my approach toward websites. It is because of Joe debating with me that CheckeredFlag.com looks the way it does today. I also have to give him credit for the navigation.

Joe - thanks for never sitting back and just saying "yeah Alex, that's a good idea" :thumbup: - thanks for the push.
I just want to point out that Joe is the man who has challenged me the most in my approach toward websites. It is because of Joe debating with me that CheckeredFlag.com looks the way it does today. I also have to give him credit for the navigation.

Joe - thanks for never sitting back and just saying "yeah Alex, that's a good idea" :thumbup: - thanks for the push.

Your site still sucks Alex.


hahhaha... we all know, youdaman! Thnx for the roses.
Coupons on the homepage - great conversation, deserves it's own thread really and one that I battle within my own inner acceptance.

As much as I hate the POP UP coupon, in the same breath I see them work. They no doubt do produce leads and if handled right (like most other leads) can result in appointment to sales. I've always wondered if the coupon on the home page coverts to an appointment more often than the coupon on a vehicle details page (either way I have a gut feeling the CPS would yield more on the positive side).

I personally find them to be nothing more of an annoyance and time suck on the homepage but I'm not your average Internet shopper.

As much as a pop up coupon can be a lead driver, we forget about the effect they can have on your lead to show. Take a second look at your "coupons" and see if you can use then to increase your lead to show rate. Don't forget about your 3rd party leads as well.
I will open this back up in a few weeks as a new thread. We can test out a number of different presentation methods and gauge their effectiveness vs. annoyance.. Pop once.. pop always.. pop after 3 visits.. pop on exit.. slide in upon call to action.. Give us a few here to button up the new system and we open this back up to conversation on a coupon only thread! Thanks for your input on the coupon discussion.

For that matter - we could open a thread on Homepage layout period and hack up one of our homepages to everyone's liking/input should there be interest out there in the group. Let me know:)

All the best - Eric

Studying Google Analytics (again). Saw a stat and thought of you.

Reviewing "Visitor Regency" (time between repeat sessions) I noticed that >20% are same day repeats. That's an active shopper and that's a giant red flag for a serious shopper (IMO). I'd be willing to bet that your coupon would "plant a seed" and boost this number nicely (same day repeat visitors).
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This is with and without forced overlay/display this month..

Same day w/ Coupon Ford Dealer

Mar 9, 2010 - Apr 8, 2010 1,945.00 25.15%
Apr 9, 2010 - May 9, 2010 1,760.00 20.20%

Same day w/o Coupons Honda Dealer

Mar 9, 2010 - Apr 8, 2010 3,268.00 17.69%
Apr 9, 2010 - May 9, 2010 2,716.00 15.56%

Same day - w/o coupon Group Portal Mar 9, 2010 - Apr 8, 2010 4,340.00 28.27%
Apr 9, 2010 - May 9, 2010 3,851.00 26.86%

I thought we were onto something there before visiting the group site.. But then again combined inventory.. Leaving the site and coming back to the "Home base" again might distort that number.

Further research required...

Thnx Joe!

All the best - Eric