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I'm the Mayor of my closet (the day Twitter Died)


Uncle Joe
Apr 7, 2009
First Name
Sorry... I've about had it with this Twitter crap. It's turned into a cesspool of horse manure. It's used by SEO wonks spewing links to each other and no one clicking them.

Twitter at my desk In the last 20 mins...

  • "I'm the mayor of bills variety store"
  • "I'm at HomeDepot looking for lightbulbs"
  • "I'm at rookie level for this society"
  • "I'm at my doctors office now"
  • "I ordered a carmeoexpressolatte at Starbucks"
  • "picking up a new mouse for my PC"
  • "I just outsted @____ as mayor of miller hardware on @toosquare"

..blahblah... C'mon, the noise from twitter makes it useless to all but a few twitter zombies.

At least with FB, you can turn Farmville off. Where is the 4square filter?
Joe, when I get back to the States im going to kick ur ass for posting this while I'm sitting here on the beach of some island off the coast of Mexico.

Please allow me to give you a 101 on Twitter when I return.

Who are you following on twitter specifically? Could you possibly be watching the live twitter steam from "everyone?

What twitter app are you using?

You are right my man..twitter is full of bs noise but once you get it dialed in, it can become a useful tool for much.

Ok..I gotta go now. Sitting here at a NUDE beach and there a few distractions...I'll get back with you when I return! :)
Joe, when I get back to the States im going to kick ur ass for posting this while I'm sitting here on the beach of some island off the coast of Mexico.

And when you get back I'm going to give you a lesson in "How to take a Vacation 101" - now get off DealerRefresh!

Joe, I only follow a select group of people just for that very reason. I don't tweet often and when I do I try to make it something worthwhile. But like Jeff said, if you dial it in, you can find all kinds of great ideas and fantastic examples of doing things right in all kinds of different areas :thumbup:

Twitter for business and facebook for fun is where I've sort-of gone in my social media consumption.
I've got what I think is a small and select list. Maybe it's the new FourSquare toy and all 12 people I follow are jammin with it. I'll take you up on your offer if it'll dial out the noise to listen to a few smart people share some good stuff.