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Inventory Sites to consider?

Alex Snyder

President Skroob
Staff member
May 1, 2006
First Name
We have one store that started using all the big Inventory sites (AutoTrader.com, Cars.com, etc) since the AutoTrader magazine closed shop. The magazine definitely worked for this particular location because there is a direct coorelation to a traffic drop and the magazine's closing date. AT.com is performing as the typical AT.com does - nothing spectacular for the money (that horse has been beaten) and Cars.com is doing a better job - but - nothing is helping as much as that AutoTrader Magazine did.

This store carries our lowest-priced-on-average used vehicles - about $14,000 average. The rest of our stores are not suffering like this one is - it is a very special case.

Does anyone know of some other things to try? Maybe this could turn into a listing of all the various used car placement/advertising sites.
I have just started looking into a site for a client, www.vast.com. At this point I don't know a whole lot about how they operate but I do know they post to numerous sites including AOL autos and that they offer most of their services for free. I'd love to get some feedback if anyone out there has used this site in the past.

I am with you on this. I am working an angle right up the alley... ck this out.

What if you built your own magazine?

You know how you see the real estate flyers in all the gas stations and grocery stores? Remove houses, insert cars. BAM. Simple.

  • Step1. Find distributor(s) already running routes and printing co's that specialize in this area. Get Estimates, Run ROI's. If Pass, then see...
  • Step2. Get inventory exported from web provider into SS. Create template and map it out.
  • Step3. Pick units for print & hand to art dept
  • Step4. Ship art to printer
  • Step5. X' fingers and see what ya got.
I've got a pilot uderway. X'ing fingers!
Joe :lol: - always wanting to do it yourself. That's why you rock!

When I was asked to start this thread I figured there wouldn't be too much response in terms of things outside of what we're already doing. But I certainly didn't expect to discuss making our own publication!

Any idea what the costs are? I see publication costs and distribution as the tough parts of this whole endeavor.
IMO, Dealer web sites are catalogues. We've already harvested pics, options & prices, what's left to build your own pub? NOT MUCH! Cha'ching!

Pub Creation <-- 90% done, layout is left.
Publication <--3rd party
Distribution <--3rd party

Looks pretty darn easy to me.

PRINT IS DEAD, What am I... Nutz?
Scarcity is your friend. In early 2000's, I remember selling Pontiacs on ebay to folks that would fly in to take delivery. Why? Great Supplier to Buyer ratio. aka Scarcity.

With the death of many prints, there "maybe" some leverage out here. Create a sample and test the idea. If it has legs, raise the budget and grow the project.

3 great business rules that govern my day :cool:
  1. Just because it's a good idea, doesn't mean it'll work.
  2. Crawl, Walk, Run.
  3. What can't be measured, can't be paid
Joe, I love your thinking! A magazine type publication would be amazing. Distribution wouldn't be all that hard and after it's off the ground could be huge for fixed ops if applicable at your dealership. The conversion from folks who might not be in the market for a car would help get the idea on the to do list for some folks, and with the situation at our "automall" it would provide more then enough content to distribute every month...

I love it, your a smart dude!