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Online Reputation management

Brad Burlingham

CSI Bandit
May 28, 2009
First Name
Has anyone tried relyable.com (salesperson reviews) or review boost (dealership reviews. they seem to be focused on removing bad reviews from your google places listings). Would love to get some help, but i'm sure there are a lot of shady companies, similar to SEO market. thoughts opinions?
Hi Brad - I wouldn't try either company because what they do is expressly against Google Places guidelines. I can't find a link to the discussion that happened on the Google Places forum, but a Googler did declare that their practice of converting user reviews and posting it under their own profiles are against the guidelines. If I were you I would do the following:

a) Use the new respond to reviews feature to positively respond to any negative reviews.

b) Do the same for any reviews that are pulled in from DealerRater.com, Edmunds, or Insider Pages etc.

c) If you are extremely sure that the reviews are spammy or are considered slander, then you can report it and request it to be removed (there are no guarantees that Google will do this.
Brad, I haven't tried either one of these.

The review boost looks a sketchy and Relyable looks more like a self serving service that would allow you get post reviews for your to use on your own properties.

Sounds like you are having a hard time getting sales people to go after positive reviews??

I too struggle in getting a new group onboard with seeing the power of positive reviews. I have a few bought in - the rest I bypass and automate the asking for the reviews through our Service marketing and CRM initiatives. Of course when you automate like this, you're throwing yourself out there for true transparency.
I know the person behind Relyable--he's an old car guy. I know it's been a product in the making for a few years, and I'm not sure if the concept has changed any. Seemed to me it was more self-serving at the sales level, and a salesperson could take their reviews with them wherever they go. This might have changed, so don't quote me.
Google Organic vs Google Paid...

Uncle Joe's Google Organic Impact Formula

All Short Tail traffic is either Google PAID or Google Landing pages. All organic is below the fold (aka invisible).

Long Tail, or rare keyword use has very very small traffic. A few Google Advertisers are enjoying "lone advertiser" status. Won't be long before that hole dries up.

Lots of chatter that Google ads team is experimenting with REMOVING the light red colored background to HIDE the paids from the organics. Huge Google AdWords Ad Unit With 10 Clickable Links

John Quinn, the world is changing, are you?
FYI.. ReviewBoost.com seems to be making a hard push. Have received 4 calls over the past few days from the dealers that I assist in marketing. Quick rundown of today's 9.14.2012 call:

When trying to call them out on the Google TOS, and how they get the consumer to post their own review.... went into the "we have multiple IP's" - when calling them out on why they would need multiple IP addresses... they transferred me to someone more "technical". This person started with awards and accolades... stating "We are a member of the Ratings and Reviews Professional Association" (WTF?) .. I said I was a member of the "Awesome People Association" (I was trying to be funny). He said he didn't like my attitude. I ended the call.

Anyways, just got a bad vibe from these people. Esp when they started trying to skirt around the TOS.

If done right - reviews, and customer awareness of them, happen naturally. You don't need to pay a company your hard earned money to artificially inflate anything.

Just my 3 cents.
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