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What's on a Car Shopper's Mind?


Uncle Joe
Apr 7, 2009
First Name
Need your help.

When a shopper is car shopping on your site (or any car site), what questions are they juggling while shopping?

Shopper is thinking about their car AND the one they are looking for. What's on their mind?

  • I want a new shiny thing to look at, whats out there
  • my old car start costing me money
  • warranty expired -now/soon-
  • Warranty expired, I dont like that.
  • It's making a noise, the Tires are worn, brakes squeak, check engine light

Please post any thing you think is on a Car Shoppers mind when they are in "car shopping mode".
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I am currently looking for a car, and you had mentioned some of the things that were in my mind such as
"I want a new shiny thing to look at" and "It's making a noise, the Tires are worn, brakes squeak, check engine light". Also, some more things could be. "Does this vehicle look spacious enough?" (big thing I'm looking for at the moment), "How will the vehicle handle in certain weather conditions? (rain, snow, etc). "Are there any specials or offerings if i buy this vehicle" and last but not least, "how much will it cost per month to buy this vehicle".

These are some of the things that went though my head, hope this helps :)
TY DB! Thats some good stuff I hadn't thought about.

Here are some more

  • saw it in a ____ tv ad, magazine
  • can I afford it?
  • will it cost more than what I have now
  • is gas going higher
  • will it cost more for insurance
  • I really like my old car (2,3cars ago)
  • my payments are too high
  • miles are getting up there
  • I want something new
Cmon you silent majority,... Think of ANYTHING that a car shopper has on their mind while shopping for a new ride
Going to differ for new versus used.

Can I afford it?
What would the monthly payment be? Some might want to know that with the late charges.
What would be the payment if I leased it? How much do I have to put down?

Is it a one owner?
Has it been in an accident?
What kind of warranty will I get?
How much tread life is on the tires?
I wonder like you Joe, my assumptions on a few are:

- Is this dealer trustworthy and worth visiting?
- How much can I grind these guys on the price? Whats the bottom line going to be?
- What will the wife think?
- What's this going to cost me in the short term over the selling price?
- What kind of bling do I want to get right after I buy for my new ride?

It's a tougher question to answer from inside the bubble, would be a great after sale survey for customers though...
Some more

-I really like that ___ brand
-what can I afford
-how much can I get for my tradein
-how do i trade in my car
-wouldn’t that look nice in my driveway
-were going on a trip
-What papers do I need to buy a new vehicle

Don't worry about posting a duplicate, just let 'er rip!
Good ones Dan, Jerry and Mitch. This is great for Social Media content, or VDP/landing page Conversion Rate improvements and Vehicle Comments too.

-need more space (people or things)
-break the boredom, reward myself with want something fun, sporty,
-want something practical, commuter, haul people, haul stuff
-this one is nice, but I like the look of that one

What questions are on the shoppers minds?