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Naked Lime?

With all of the partnerships and relationships what does Naked Lime DO? Are they more or less a face for brokering? The people on the floor at DD have always had scriped, empty responces.

I've had bad experiences in the past where the go-to person on the account has no idea who does what and issues are near impossible to fix. My DP say an email in Chrysler's system that they were now PAP eligible and had...well anyway...Ideas-input from those that have used them?
I looked at Naked Lime and for there cost and set up fees I didnt see any more added value that My current site gives me since every one is writing in the NEW HTML5 just saying shop around the price for what they are giving you is it worth it?

New HTML5? You can't be serious, it's been out for awhile.. Not to mention website code makes no impact on a dealers website.. I've seen sites coded in HTML5 that are complete garbage, and others in old formats that are incredibly clean/optimized. Never, ever pick a vendor or stay with one based on the code, unless YOU can actually go look at it and actually know how to code it from scratch yourself. Otherwise you're going to assume it's great when it's really not..
Sorry for the individuals without jobs, but good riddance to the company. When I took over our marketing I found that they were spending 85% of our advertising budget on the Toyota Yaris. In what should be no surprise to anyone, that took you to a landing page with no inventory. This is why you shouldn't pay attention to vanity metrics like CTR. They also changed my GBP website address from my portal site to my GM site without approval when they became a iMR approved vendor through GM. Trash company.
Sorry for the individuals without jobs, but good riddance to the company. When I took over our marketing I found that they were spending 85% of our advertising budget on the Toyota Yaris. In what should be no surprise to anyone, that took you to a landing page with no inventory. This is why you shouldn't pay attention to vanity metrics like CTR. They also changed my GBP website address from my portal site to my GM site without approval when they became a iMR approved vendor through GM. Trash company.
They probably made canceling super easy though and were kind enough to let you out of your 5-year PPC contract early, right? ;-)