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Automation in digital marketing? Get with the times!


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Dec 31, 2023
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Hey World,

Here is set of questions that I expect to receive super detailed answers in response to.

It is 2024 and it seems certain practices in the automotive industry are outdated, archaic and strenuous. My question is geared towards the marketing side of this industry. (Digital ad display, email marketing, social media marketing, SEO, PPC, analytics)

We got on board with automated self-driving cars so why not automated digital marketing practices?

Is there something I am completely unaware of that is holding back the advancement of new technology, being created, to refine and automate the arduous world of digital marketing execution?
Or does no one dare to take on such a daunting but yet very accomplishable feat in creating the ultimate solution?
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I don't see many digital marketing platforms that aren't starting to leverage AI and automation.
Everything from my project management tool to Google Ads itself is using AI to generate better results, reducing the "expertise" required to launch successful campaigns. Placement intelligence, messaging A/B testing, audience targeting - all of this is now using machine learning to assess and automatically adapt.
I think that the challenge lies in personalization and creativity. While automation can streamline tasks, the human touch in marketing often requires a level of nuance and understanding that's tough to replicate entirely with algorithms. It's not about a lack of daring but more about striking the right balance.

But you can hire a digital marketing company specifically focused on building websites. I think that they can bring a fresh perspective and tech-savvy solutions to the table. It's a step in the right direction for those looking to embrace the potential of automated digital marketing while keeping things personal and effective.
Hey World,

Here is set of questions that I expect to receive super detailed answers in response to.

It is 2024 and it seems certain practices in the automotive industry are outdated, archaic and strenuous. My question is geared towards the marketing side of this industry. (Digital ad display, email marketing, social media marketing, SEO, PPC, analytics)

We got on board with automated self-driving cars so why not automated digital marketing practices?

Is there something I am completely unaware of that is holding back the advancement of new technology, being created, to refine and automate the arduous world of digital marketing execution?
Or does no one dare to take on such a daunting but yet very accomplishable feat in creating the ultimate solution?
If only there were a company that dared. Do you know of any companies that have taken on such a daunting feat?

@gavin.bannerinsite Are you fishing for leads or are you asking a question that you truly don't have an answer to?

"We are a software development company specializing in DYNAMIC, INTEGRATED, and AUTOMATED data aggregation solutions for Automotive Dealers. Our number one priority is to help dealers save time, money and sell more cars."
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Looking at your website...you sell the ability to build banner ads and email blasts without any of the supporting tech/resources to close the loop.

There is nothing groundbreaking about this.

I sold stuff like this as a $200 add-on to other products for funnzies in 2015.

At best, you display a personalized ad with weak CTAs that only proves I looked at something on the internet.

If you hadn't gone for a straight call out to an entire industry, I wouldn't have returned the same to you.

If you're serious about building this business, be transparent it is a starting point and keep your ears open for what the next step is.
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If only there were a company that dared. Do you know of any companies that have taken on such a daunting feat?

@gavin.bannerinsite Are you fishing for leads or are you asking a question that you truly don't have an answer to?

"We are a software development company specializing in DYNAMIC, INTEGRATED, and AUTOMATED data aggregation solutions for Automotive Dealers. Our number one priority is to help dealers save time, money and sell more cars."
Hey Dan,

Yes! I am super curious if it is actually in the realm of possibility, with todays technologies, to automate the processes that are typically bottlenecked by human error or lack of promptness. I am new to the automotive world but have a sales/tech background. I love a good brainstorming thread with engagement from industry professionals. This post was typed out in search for a spark of some sort. We are a genius civilization and I believe a technology advancement can ease typically arduous processes in the automotive industry. If so, what company is on this path and what have they come up with so far? Thank you for the reply sir. Cheers!
Looking at your website...you sell the ability to build banner ads and email blasts without any of the supporting tech/resources to close the loop.

There is nothing groundbreaking about this.

I sold stuff like this as a $200 add-on to other products for funnzies in 2015.

At best, you display a personalized ad with weak CTAs that only proves I looked at something on the internet.

If you hadn't gone for a straight call out to an entire industry, I wouldn't have returned the same to you.

If you're serious about building this business, be transparent it is a starting point and keep your ears open for what the next step is.
Hey JD,

Thank you for the engagement sir, but I am not sure your response answered the questions listed in my initial post. Your feedback on my niche solution is much appreciated and you are right! We sell to marketing and website companies as an add-on to broaden their product offerings. Your "At best" opinion of our tool does dimly highlight two of our capabilities, but a much broader deep dive can be saved for a private chat. You can claim it a "call out" and I will agree with you, but in a different light. I wanted to spark a positive and engaging thread with the industry intellectuals who are apart of DealerRefresh. I hope to further connect with you in discussions about the original topic. I believe you have some great insight and can lend your knowledge to a studious 26 year old with a dream for advancement in this space. Cheers to you sir!
I think that the challenge lies in personalization and creativity. While automation can streamline tasks, the human touch in marketing often requires a level of nuance and understanding that's tough to replicate entirely with algorithms. It's not about a lack of daring but more about striking the right balance.

But you can hire a digital marketing company specifically focused on building websites. I think that they can bring a fresh perspective and tech-savvy solutions to the table. It's a step in the right direction for those looking to embrace the potential of automated digital marketing while keeping things personal and effective.
Awesome response sir! I do agree with this. Striking the right balance is key, thank you!
I don't see many digital marketing platforms that aren't starting to leverage AI and automation.
Everything from my project management tool to Google Ads itself is using AI to generate better results, reducing the "expertise" required to launch successful campaigns. Placement intelligence, messaging A/B testing, audience targeting - all of this is now using machine learning to assess and automatically adapt.
Hey Craig,

Can you send me a link to a digital marketing platform you believe has it nailed down pretty well? Thank you for the response sir. Cheers!
Hey Dan,

Yes! I am super curious if it is actually in the realm of possibility, with todays technologies, to automate the processes that are typically bottlenecked by human error or lack of promptness. I am new to the automotive world but have a sales/tech background. I love a good brainstorming thread with engagement from industry professionals. This post was typed out in search for a spark of some sort. We are a genius civilization and I believe a technology advancement can ease typically arduous processes in the automotive industry. If so, what company is on this path and what have they come up with so far? Thank you for the reply sir. Cheers!
Gavin, you're the COO of a 2-month old company that is targeting Automotive and VIN specific ad creation. You're company is already claiming to have it figured out in our space. I think the better approach would have been to just state who you are and what your company does and then start asking for insight and help in diving into our industry. Looks like you're flanked in your leadership team by a couple 25-year veterans of automotive as well. The response you got was like many that come into the forum without just being direct as a vendor. You'll find a number of vendors within the forum that just state the facts and don't dance around. I was suspect that you were asking the question to only reveal later that "we can help you with that". Automotive has advanced in the tech space, with many smaller companies, quite well. Some of the larger players are slower to move and some dealers are still operating behind-the-times. You're in the right forum, just make sure you are fully transparent with who you are and what you want.