
  1. Chris Vitale

    Ninjas What should be the focus of training?

    When it comes to training, there are an endless number of things that you can prioritize. While the specific issues you may be facing at your dealership may be unique, there are certain things that every sales training schedule should include. Set More Quality Appointments Setting...
  2. Chris Vitale

    Ninjas The "sales to service" (and "service to sales") handoff is a little thing that makes a BIG difference!

    The department-to-department handoff at a dealership is something that can be overlooked during the sales process. However, it’s a crucial step to creating a stronger bond between the dealership and the customer as a whole. Hearing, “I’ll buy a car from you, but I’ll never service my car here,”...
  3. Chris Vitale

    How Active Coaching is Critical to Your Dealership’s Success

    With the constantly shifting car market, it is more important than ever to focus on the things that will make your dealership successful and allow you to continue business as normal. While there are plenty of things that you can do to keep your inventory up to date, it is just as important to...
  4. Chris Vitale

    Ninjas What is Active Coaching? Why’s it so important? How’s it so effective?

    It’s a check and balance, something that we do on a regular and ongoing basis with our athletes, whether they’re just starting out in T-ball or all the way up to our professionals. A coach is there to lead players through drills and game-time scenarios. Athletes practice regularly to maintain...