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That's actually a great share [USER=4695]@Ryan Everson[/USER]

They see the opportunity so that's OK. Here's a wild thought (I'm not in sync with that btw)

What if they see a sinking ship, because FB has been tanking and getting harder to work with for most inexperienced people, shouldn't it be a great moment to jump ship and start with a clean slate?

You're 100% on TikTok organic reach, inflating numbers but not attending to local buyers. Some might have a hard time managing their expectations. At best growing "social proof" but can't translate into sales.

Here's what I see as I'm working with both Dealers and Individuals growing their pages. Personal pages grow a lot faster, for a couple of reasons, but it's a TREMENDOUS opportunity for salespeople to obliterate their colleagues on the sales board. I see it happening, it's not even fair.

Here's what I've learned as my agency is crossing over 140K invested in TikTok for auto/moto manufacturers: It's the perfect space to show buyers you car and to educate them on their potential issues/questions.

I'm going to tell you one thing though: the content piece will make or break your ad. I'm talking about the VIDEO.

Most dealers could get away with crappy images and average copy but with video, it gets interesting.

Pushing blatant offers through video triggers the BS trade on most people and it doesn't seem to work, unless you're working with a super warm/hot prospect.

Keep that in mind the next time you launch your campaign, this will save you a lot of money, frustration and headaches.