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As Dealers = "WE reserve the right....."

Dec 18, 2014
First Name
As an industry, we often activate a vast array of tools...shiny widgets....and systems in which to be effective to the modern consumer…..

HOWEVER....do our systems:

Target - Communicate – Integrate together; As-One; in order to ensure Buyers are delivered at the ‘Zero Moment’ through a direct-path to OUR specific Stores? Websites? Telephones?

As Dealers = "WE reserve the right, to Market OUR Brands, OUR Stores, OUR Inventory - with a single and direct connection to OUR stores, everytime!"

Automotive News | Dealers > Best Practices

Cardinale Group makeover flexes digital Muscle

Cardinale, gotta a real first name?

Not sure what your post is about. Is it a clever way to promote your ZMOT auto agency or that you're so proud that your group discovered zmot that you want to yell it from the roof tops?

Either way, it's some type of announcement, so I'm going to place it in the proper category.