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Has anyone here used Vinsolution's Vinessa (Virtual Assistant)

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone used VinSolution's Virtual Assistant Vinessa?

Could you please talk about your experience in terms of Vinessa's accuracy and perfromace?
We tried them last year for several months to give the AI time to adapt. NOPE. It basically just sends basic emails/texts like you can schedule yourself via the task manager. We didn't find the value of what it cost and had no sales we could attribute to Vinessa.
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We tried them last year for several months to give the AI time to adapt. NOPE. It basically just sends basic emails/texts like you can schedule yourself via the task manager. We didn't find the value of what it cost and had no sales we could attribute to Vinessa.

Was it not able to create automated appointments, etc?

Did you guys move to any other solution after it?
Hi Everyone,

Has anyone used VinSolution's Virtual Assistant Vinessa?

Could you please talk about your experience in terms of Vinessa's accuracy and perfromace?
I don't think even VinSolutions would claim Vinessa is actually an "AI" by modern definition. It's a limited decision tree and auto-responder. We left Vin a few month's ago after having tested Vin with Impel and even then, VinSolutions wasn't pressing Vinessa as a competitor (didn't even want to offer a demo) to Impel which is a great decision-tree AI or narrow AI. Impel doubles up your admin as an overlay on Vin because the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Good option though if you don't want to make a CRM change and want something more than Vinessa. At some point, Vin would have to offer a baked-in general AI to compete with DriveCentric which is the direction we went.

Here is an interesting summary from a DR hall-of-famer that would indicate Vinessa is none of the things that would define it as "AI"
@Pedram pinged me and asked that I toss in my $0.02.
I believe the CRM model as we know it is toast (as are most of the old CRM KPIs)

LLM-Powered CRMs: A Brand New AI World is Here

Executive Summary: In the rapidly evolving landscape of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), a transformative shift is underway with the integration of advanced Language Models (LLMs). This vision document explores the profound impact of LLMs on CRM systems in the context of automotive retail. It highlights the tasks LLMs can replace and the pivotal role they can play as sales reps' personal assistants. Moreover, it demonstrates how these advancements will revolutionize the current Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), ushering in a new era of CRM effectiveness.

Table of Contents:
  1. Introduction
    • The Unprecedented Potential of LLMs in CRM
    • Purpose and Scope of this Vision Document
  2. Tasks Replaced by LLMs
    • Automating Routine Administrative Tasks
    • Personalized Customer Assistance
    • Data Entry and Maintenance
  3. LLMs as Sales Reps' Personal Assistants
    • Enhancing Customer Interactions
    • Streamlining Workflows
    • Real-time Information Support
  4. Impact on Current CRM KPIs
    • Evolution of Traditional KPIs
    • Introduction of New KPIs
    • The Importance of AI Utilization Rate
  5. Conclusion
    • Embracing the LLM-Powered CRM Revolution
    • Preparing for the Future of Automotive Retail
1. Introduction: The integration of Language Models (LLMs) into Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems represents a groundbreaking shift in the automotive retail industry. This document explores how LLMs are set to redefine CRM practices, making them more efficient and customer-centric than ever before.

2. Tasks Replaced by LLMs:
  • Automating Routine Administrative Tasks:
    • LLMs can take over time-consuming administrative tasks like data entry, appointment scheduling, and report generation, ensuring accuracy and reducing human errors.
  • Personalized Customer Assistance:
    • AI-driven CRM can provide personalized product recommendations and assist sales reps with real-time information during customer interactions.
  • Data Entry and Maintenance:
    • LLMs can handle data entry and maintenance tasks, ensuring data accuracy and completeness, freeing up sales reps to focus on building relationships.

3. LLMs as Sales Reps' Personal Assistants:
  • Enhancing Customer Interactions:
    • LLMs enable sales reps to offer more personalized and engaging interactions with customers, improving satisfaction and conversion rates.
  • Streamlining Workflows:
    • AI-powered CRM streamlines workflows, reducing the time spent on administrative tasks, allowing sales reps to focus on core sales activities.
  • Real-time Information Support:
    • LLMs can assist sales reps with real-time information and decision support during customer interactions, ensuring a smoother sales process.

4. Impact on Current CRM KPIs:
  • Evolution of Traditional KPIs:
    • Traditional KPIs like IRT, Connection Rate, Appt Set, Appt Shown, and Close Rates will evolve to incorporate AI-driven metrics such as AI Utilization Rate, Personalization Effectiveness, and Workflow Efficiency.
  • Introduction of New KPIs:
    • New KPIs will measure the impact of LLM-powered CRM on customer engagement, satisfaction, and revenue.
  • The Importance of AI Utilization Rate:
    • AI Utilization Rate will become a critical KPI, reflecting how effectively sales reps and the CRM leverage LLM capabilities.

Legacy CRM vendors need their most brilliant minds on this. They must understand that Perdram's team has no revenue to defend, they can start fresh and build the reps personal assistant.
Mark My word,
Car shoppers will have their own personal car assistant that will include negotiating the deal.

p.s. My AI assistant and I brainstormed this vision doc with about 6 revisions in 60 mins.
p.p.s. If you don't think this is coming fast,
here is SalesForce PR
p.p.p.s. google "AI Agent Swarms" and then, buckle your seatbelt & google: "Q Star (aka Q*)"
I have seen it in action and I agree it is limited in its capability. I do know that Cox has deep pockets so development will only improve the functionality. I was looking at a slick product that integrates with DS, CDK, Vin. I have no formal affiliation with this platform but you all should check it out! Coop and his team have done some nice work! https://engagedai.io

"Otto" makes life for the sales people so easy and helps the BDC depts. track shows and no shows with just a click from the Salespersons phone. It can automatically summarize months of texts/calls/emails for the sales managers! This makes 1:1s extremely effective for moving the needle.