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I need a replacement for AccuTrade...Any Suggestions?

Thanks! I've been meaning to try them so I'll check it out.

We've tried Accutrade, Laser Appraise, and currently use Stockwave. Stockwave could be really great but it's incredibly buggy, has inconsistent data, and the filters don't always work like they should. I can't imagine it would be that hard to fix what's wrong with it, they just don't care. I've put in numerous tickets only to be contacted 45-60 days later by someone who has no idea what is going on. But the ability to search massive amounts of inventory and sort based on X,Y, and Z is ideal and second to none AFAIK. Being able to look at as many vehicles as possible, as quickly as possible is the key to lowering your acquisition costs. Focusing on a small amount of potential units is how you spend too much.

Ultimately I don't think designing a plugin like Stockwave with similar functionality would be incredibly difficult, I just lack the technical acumen to do so. It's been an idea of mine for a while. Just need to set some time aside to work on it.
Odd. I've always found my Stockwave rep helpful.
Odd. I've always found my Stockwave rep helpful.
We were assigned a new rep about a year ago. He came out guns blazin' about how he was going to help fix a lot of the issues plaguing the program, etc. His optimism lasted about 60 days before I think he realized Cox wasn't going to support the IT team like he needed them to. Haven't head from him since.
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We were assigned a new rep about a year ago. He came out guns blazin' about how he was going to help fix a lot of the issues plaguing the program, etc. His optimism lasted about 60 days before I think he realized Cox wasn't going to support the IT team like he needed them to. Haven't head from him since.
Maybe I just got lucky. Both of my reps have been good.
As most of you already know cars.com bought AccuTrade, packaged it with some other features and jacked up the price to $1500 (from base price of $199). I really only used AccuTrade for the Google plug in and in person appraisals.

I currently use Stockwave for sourcing inventory from multiple auctions but their Google plug in is not very good compared to AccuTrade. Laser appraiser does not have a google plug in. Having a tool that slides out from the side of your webpage and scrapes all of the data from the various auctions vdp is very helpful. I happily paid Accutrade $249 a month becuase I am mostly buying on Openlane, ACV, and Eblock and it saved me a ton of time.

Any Sugguestions?
Do you think you can give a brief rundown about all the three online auctions (Openlane, ACV, Eblock) you had listed. Maybe some pros and cons would be great.

pros - comprehensive condition reports, naaa guidelines, good search filter options
cons - auctions run randomly, no autocheck report, charge $25 fee to use non acv flooring, no buy now marketplace, cant hide cars your not interested in
pros - decent condition report, buy now marketplace, autocheck report
cons - no engine recording, high fees, less inventory, lack of search filter options, cant hide cars your not interested in
Pros - good search filter options, decent condition reports, large inventory, good buy now marketplace, autocheck report
Cons - no naaa frame coverage, $20 ach upon title fee (used to be free like manheim)
pros - comprehensive condition reports, naaa guidelines, good search filter options
cons - auctions run randomly, no autocheck report, charge $25 fee to use non acv flooring, no buy now marketplace, cant hide cars your not interested in
pros - decent condition report, buy now marketplace, autocheck report
cons - no engine recording, high fees, less inventory, lack of search filter options, cant hide cars your not interested in
Pros - good search filter options, decent condition reports, large inventory, good buy now marketplace, autocheck report
Cons - no naaa frame coverage, $20 ach upon title fee (used to be free like manheim)
Thanks for the tips. Out of all three which one do you like the best?
Thanks for the tips. Out of all three which one do you like the best?
pros - comprehensive condition reports, naaa guidelines, good search filter options
cons - auctions run randomly, no autocheck report, charge $25 fee to use non acv flooring, no buy now marketplace, cant hide cars your not interested in
pros - decent condition report, buy now marketplace, autocheck report
cons - no engine recording, high fees, less inventory, lack of search filter options, cant hide cars your not interested in
Pros - good search filter options, decent condition reports, large inventory, good buy now marketplace, autocheck report
Cons - no naaa frame coverage, $20 ach upon title fee (used to be free like manheim)
I know this question is not for me, but personally I prefer the extreme option, I won't say that it is much better, rather it is just a habit