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Is anyone using Dealer Socket? Are you happy with it?


Green Pea
Mar 20, 2023
First Name
Is anyone using Dealer Socket as the CRM? What do you think of it?

Back when I was working in marketing for a dealer group, they were using Dealer Socket. The sales team hated it as it was super clunky. They always slagged off to update their daily tasks.

I'm curious how others feel about the system.

P.S. I am in Australia and it is distributed by a company called Pentana Solutions.
I’d put it this way:

If you are considering moving your store to Dealer Socket, ALMOST any other choice is a better choice.

Elead would be a worse choice.

Otherwise? Take your pick and you’re better off than Dealer Socket.
  • Pros:
    • Easy to use, modern
    • Focused on engagement vs endless tasks
    • Great mobile app
    • Lots of innovative features built-in
  • Cons
    • Expensive $$
    • Limited fixed ops capabilities
    • Reporting isn't as robust as Vinsolutions

  • Pros:
    • Super robust reporting
    • Extremely customizable
  • Cons
    • Dated and a little clunky - lots of bolted on add-ons over the years
    • Task focused vs engagement

Give them another couple years and I'm sure they'll be a top CRM choice
I don't have any experience with DS, but we are currently using Tekion. We like them just fine.

  • Easy to use, customizable dashboard
  • Integrated with our Tekion DMS which helps keep up with leads to deals conversions.
  • Good support
  • AI integration available
  • Works with fixed ops
  • Can link to sales cell phones for calls/texts
  • Reports: I struggle with my analytics reports. All of the info isn't always where it needs to be.
  • Duplicate leads need babysitting and are difficult to merge, BUT Tekion is working on that.
Keep in mind this is the first CRM this dealership has ever had in the 71 years in business. You can imagine the grumbles from the older sales guys. Don't get me started on them lol!

Good luck!