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Mobile version of a website create duplicate content issue for Google?


Desk Monkey
Nov 12, 2010
First Name
Here a great question on Matt Cutt’s desk is “Does indexing a mobile website create a duplicate content issues?â€And this question turns on our queries on mobi SEO because duplicate content is sure penalization for Google ranking algorithm.While we do any mobi seo , we should aware about the fact, weather this page having any duplicate content or not.

According to Matt Cutt that if we use and different url version of our website like: Twitter having mobi version: Twitter, thats good practice for mobile website of regular website.Google bot having user agent crawls the mobi websites by which Google bot understand that its mobi version of main website, that will not considered as duplicate content.

Another point that can hamper the Mobile SEO which is cloaking.So make sure we should not use cloaking methodology while we optimize our regular and mobi web.
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It makes sense that Google can interpret the mobile version of the website and discern it as a legitimate source and not duplicate content. Google is very clear that any resource which adds value to the consumer experience is OK in their book; a mobile version of your site for mobile consumers is certainly a convenience.

If you're handling the mobile site properly it shouldn't be regarded as duplicate content and should even afford you some easy-win link-backs to your primary site.

mSEO here we come!
It makes sense that Google can interpret the mobile version of the website and discern it as a legitimate source and not duplicate content. Google is very clear that any resource which adds value to the consumer experience is OK in their book; a mobile version of your site for mobile consumers is certainly a convenience.

If you're handling the mobile site properly it shouldn't be regarded as duplicate content and should even afford you some easy-win link-backs to your primary site.

mSEO here we come!

Great point Matt...if some one types any query from Google mobile, they will directly goes to mobi version of the website, but I think if you make two different URl then it will be helpful for Mobi SEO because mobile search engine algorithm is a bit different from regular one..for some specific search’s..we saw some different linking structure works for two different versions of search engines!.