Why don't more sales teams use calendar invites or appointment scheduling in their sales processes?
Everyone uses some version of it for service (xtime, myKaarma, etc), but for some reason, appointment scheduling does not seem to have caught on at all on the sales side. Why is that?
With much of the ROI analysis and reporting anchoring on appointments, you'd think a meeting scheduling solution would be front and center in the sales journey.
In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the absence of a scheduling at a dealership might actually put a growing segment of buyers off of that store.
With even basic Google and Outlook calendar invites becoming part of the daily routine for so many working people, I'm genuinely curious as to why no stores seem to embrace them for sales.
(Or maybe they actually do and I just haven't seen it in 10+ years.)
Everyone uses some version of it for service (xtime, myKaarma, etc), but for some reason, appointment scheduling does not seem to have caught on at all on the sales side. Why is that?
With much of the ROI analysis and reporting anchoring on appointments, you'd think a meeting scheduling solution would be front and center in the sales journey.
In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the absence of a scheduling at a dealership might actually put a growing segment of buyers off of that store.
With even basic Google and Outlook calendar invites becoming part of the daily routine for so many working people, I'm genuinely curious as to why no stores seem to embrace them for sales.
(Or maybe they actually do and I just haven't seen it in 10+ years.)