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It' is so interesting watching this conversation unfold.  I sit on conference calls at my job discussing the same thing. I do think that eventually someone will get it right. It is however VERY hard to get the process both streamlined and effective. 

We have been working on an app where customers can set up sale of their trade. What we see is that the higher the amount of automation the lower the customer satisfaction KPI's. When we have dealers more involved in the process of talking to the customers generally the KPI's go up but the overall amount of vehicles sold goes down. 

The biggest part of the buying process that just isn't covered with online car buying is the consultative aspect sales people bring to the table. How many customers walk into a dealership and end up buying a completely different vehicle because the one they were looking didn't meet the needs they have?  But how is that integrated? Chat? Consultation call?  More importantly how can the process be changed to be both customer friendly and efficient?

As far as present viability of of a completely automated car buying process I'm not convinced. Keep your marketing dollars in your pocket. But keep a weather eye on the horizon.