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I agree entirely that we will always have some of each, but I don't think every dealership will have all 3 anytime soon.

Some dealers are going all in on online, some are going hybrid and some are going full traditional.

I'm working with a store that already went commission free, got rid of sales people, sells at invoice price and is ready to do full transactions online.

I wouldn't suggest we're going full online anytime soon, but I certainly don't think that's for the reasons being stated in this thread.

I think consumers are ready for this (at least a subset are) and I believe that this subset is growing steadily.

eCommerce trends are up across the board and consumers are spending more and more online - it's a natural progression.

Car dealers may just have to stop selling cars they way they're used to doing it.

For a one price store this is much easier.

- here's the car

- here's the price

- here are the financing options

- here's the after sale products

- here's the bill of sale

That whole process can be done online without sales department involvement (legality pending) and that seems to be the way forward.

In the meantime, I think Live Chat and BDCs have a huge opportunity to improve this process and help customers along.

Soon enough buying your next car will be as easy as booking a service appointment online :)