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My main take-away is distilled by these five words, "at least a subset are". Most dealerships can't exist catering to a narrow subset of the buying population - most, not all. Carvana has carved out a significant niche catering to the consumer that HATES the current dealership sales process, but most (again, most) dealerships aren't ready to jump in with both feet.

You bring up a very important point [USER=3505]@craigh[/USER], moving to a 100% eCommerce model (or even a slightly more transactional model) requires either a one-price or reduced-negotiation pricing structure. Many dealers struggle with making this change - change is hard!

Lastly, many from the eCommerce community fail to understand that car sales differs, dramatically, from lower involvement, less ego-driven purchases. Buying a car is different than buying a bottle of shampoo from Amazon.