FRIKINtech What's Your Plan B? How we're helping CDK/eLead dealers


Green Pea
Dec 2, 2021
First Name
It's naive to think a situation like what's happening to CDK and eLead dealers can't happen to you. In fact, it should scare the hell out of you if you don't have a plan in place. So, what's your Plan B? Are you putting all your eggs in one basket OR do you already have a technology diversification strategy in place?

All FRIKINtech dealers have a Plan B in place, many just don't know it! Dealers using any FRIKINtech solution automatically have access to our manual desking solution that auto-calculates taxes, fees, incentives, rebates, leases, loans, and cash deal details.

When the CDK breach was announced, FRIKINtech immediately stepped into action by reaching out to help dealers who were affected with an alternative to desk deals. You can read a little more about how we helped here: Helping CDK DMS and eLead CRM dealers after outage from cyberattack to keep selling cars | FRIKINtech

If you're ready to start having a conversation about diversifying your tech strategy to protect your dealership, shoot me a note. If you're a current FRIKINtech dealer and want training on how to access the desking tool, give me a shout. We're here to help!

This is just another reason why you should do business with a company that is primarily made up of car people who've been in your shoes. We're always focused on what's going to keep dealers selling cars no matter what life throws at them.

Hang in there CDK/eLeads dealers!