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With CSS grid it would be a pretty simple, even small amount of code and allow you to slide the entire menu out of the way and put more cars or trucks on the same row. I can put some code together and show you or even stick a site together, scrape some inventory, and stick it online for you to see.

TikTok proved people will scroll all day and I've clicked through an entire site looking at classic cars, the problem is most dealerships inventory is boring but if you could figure out a way to spice it up with something like a customization app, or something that would add a little excitement to it so your not looking at the same car over and over again.

The ambulance chasers haven't gotten to the dealerships yet but they will, they normally ask for $5,000 not to turn you in but as the government decides they want more money or a competitor decides to hurt a dealership, or manufacturers decided they want to go direct to consumer and get rid of the dealerships, ADA fines start at $50,000.00 per an incident, lawsuits are counted per a visit, per an incident, and no dealership has a website that is ADA compliant.

And why it should be the developer getting sued sadly it all falls on the site owner.