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Google+ ...are you on it yet?

Came across this, in all places, on Google+ while trying to figure-out how to video "Hangout" with my family... Interesting...

Paul Allen - 2:45 PM (edited) - Public

Will Google+ attract more teens than Facebook?

Mark Solon, co-founder of Highway12 Ventures in Boise, Idaho blogged this morning about how his 13 year old daughter and all her friends are using Google+, not Facebook. On Thursday, a friend from Connecticut told me the same thing about his 15 year old daughter. My 16 year old son loves Google+ and is trying to get his school friends to switch. The best quote from Mark's blog post is this:

Last week, I was lying on the floor of her room doing math homework with her with Rihanna blaring in the background (see my quote above young parents, it’s a new world – she’s a straight A student, who am I to argue with those results?) when I said to her “So you’re 13 now. I’m surprised you haven’t asked me for a Facebook page yet, how come?”

“Facebook? That’s for adults. We use Google +.”

My mind was fully blown. As a VC who is supposed to be spun up on trends in technology, this one caught me as off-guard as Jeremy Lin. I tried as best I could to hide my incredulity and asked her to show me her Google+ page. Sure enough, she and dozens of her friends had the whole thing dialed. Different circles for different classes of friends, the whole shebang.

Try wrapping your head around that. Just a few years ago, Facebook didn’t exist. Now nearly 15% of the people on this planet use it, except that is for my 13 year-old daughter and her group of friends.

He wonders whether his daughter and her friends are a blip or a trend. Interesting question: what do you think?

@ JQuinn;

All things equal and if both FB and G+ were going public at the same time. You got your lifetime saving and MUST go for just one. Where would you put your money?

Depends on if you're a gambler (short-term investor) or looking for retirement income. And it's a no-brainer.

I'm no gambler. Google's diverse multi-platform/multi-solution portfolio shields itself against temporary/fleeting changes in tastes, styles, preferences, etc. Even if G+ tanks, well, there is still search, PPC, Maps, Location-Based Services, Hangouts, etc. Much better long-term investment based on today's marketplace.
Depends on if you're a gambler (short-term investor) or looking for retirement income. And it's a no-brainer.

I'm no gambler. Google's diverse multi-platform/multi-solution portfolio shields itself against temporary/fleeting changes in tastes, styles, preferences, etc. Even if G+ tanks, well, there is still search, PPC, Maps, Location-Based Services, Hangouts, etc. Much better long-term investment based on today's marketplace.

I was hoping to keep it focused on G+ Vs FB as a long term platform for people. Company wise as a whole, agreed Google is the better choice.
I was hoping to keep it focused on G+ Vs FB as a long term platform for people. Company wise as a whole, agreed Google is the better choice.

I know. It's called "The Art of Craftfully Avoiding the Question."

However, I'd have the same answer. Google's Executive Teams' performance has an established track record. Facebook has nothing close.