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We are looking for an SEM/SEO/Digital Marketing Company, suggestions? Anyone heard of PCG?


Bone King
May 14, 2011
First Name
We are a large dealership and are shopping around for a new company to handle all of our digital marketing. Build us SEO pages, handle our PPC, etc. We currently use someone but are always trying to improve. Does anybody have any thoughts? Suggestions? Do you have luck with a certain company? Thanks for the input!!

If it's innovation and long-term success alongside an ever-evolving partner who stays abreast of the latest industry developments, that you'd like.... then look no further, sir.

Give me a call or email and I can delve into the true scope of what I can do for you.

Zach Bennett, AutomoSEO | 484-432-1012 - zach@automoseo.com - www.automoseo.com


AutomoSEO| The First Genuine Provider We Bet You've Ever Hired
OfferingResults That Never Tire & Protection From The Liars

HereAre Some Valuable Ways That Our Deeply Inquisitive Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Approach Can Help Your Dealership
ToSeek Long-Term Growth & Success Online While Also Feeling SecureAbout The Future....

1. We Take The GuessworkOut of Internet Marketing & We KnowWhat Is Working:

Do you actively collect and manage mountains ofdata to analyze what's working and what isn't?

Do you know how many hits yourwebsite gets each month from people referred via Social Media sitesand how many of those people put in a lead and which forms they tendto click on most?

Are you tracking all of your pagesto identify areas where high amounts of people are leaving the sitedue to things like a lack of interesting content, bad design and/ortechnical problems?

Do you track hot-spots on your sitewhere people tend to gravitate and cold-spots where people tend tostay away?

Deeply tracking these analytics is farbeyond the capability of most vendors and not something you shouldtake lightly. They are what show your success, your failureand they let you know where you need to focus your attention to improve. I'vefound that 9/10 dealers are either not using Google Analytics oraren't digging through the data in it each week to capitalize on itsvalue, let alone are they employing advanced filters, alerts and reporting.An even higher amount of dealers aren't employing Google WebmasterTools to ensure their site is being crawled and indexed efficientlyand an even higher amount of dealers have laid NO groundwork formonitoring or taking other engines such as Bing into consideration.Doing these things along can ultimately quadruple your traffic andlead submissions.

2. We Can Optimize TheTraffic You're ALREADY Getting To Increase Leads:

Doyou constantly run comparative tests to see how your site visitorsrespond to different variables on your website?

Didyou ever try moving the Call-To-Action around different places on thepage and see if more people click it?

Didyou ever try changing the text on the submit button from black, to amore actionable red or green color or the shape of the button from apointed-edge square to a rounded-edge square?

Didyou know that you may be 70% more likely to receive a lead if thereis a video along with your content?

If not, we don't blame you. Many people only focus onthe broad variables like how many site visitors they are getting, butlittle do we see any comprehensive monitoring and optimizationefforts going into driving up the percentage of visitors who submit alead. This is called Click-Thru-Rate Optimization and ityields a goldmine of leads you had all along but were simply losingdue to a lack of focus in this area.

We've identified situations where simply changing abutton format or changing the verbiage in a page title, has driven upthe leads 30% almost overnight. You're spending all that time andeffort getting people to come to your website, don't lose sight ofthem when they are about to put in a lead!

3. We Reduce WastedAdvertising Dollars and Optimize Monthly Budget:

Doyou keep tabs on the quality of traffic being sent to you from placeslike Philly.com and other advertisers? Do they ever submit a lead?

Doyou know that half of those keywords you're paying PPC to displayyour ad for, are low-to-medium competition keywords that we couldeasily rank you for by using the power of good content and followingSEO best-practices?

We've identified situations where 90% of the trafficcoming from an advertising partner was bouncing from the dealer'ssite because the advertisers simply weren't taking any care todisplay the ads to interested and targeted users. This is thousandsof dollars a month alone that can be better re-focused onhigher-yielding strategies. We've also identified many PPC campaignstargeting keywords that could be easily attained organically. We canactively ensure you're SAVING the highest amount of marketing dollarsmonthly, at the same time as we're working to make you a great ROI.

4. We Help Stop ProblemsBefore It Is Too Late:

Did you know on April 24[SUP]th[/SUP],2012 Google released an update that has since put hundreds oflegitimate small businesses into bankruptcy, because the e-Commercesales they relied on dried up overnight along with all of theirtraffic?

Are you actively monitoring forlarge spikes in traffic so you can identify any sudden changes, wherethey are coming from and quickly begin aiming to fix them? Andidentify sudden positive changes, to locate the cause and furthercapitalize on it?

Google makes over 50 changes to theirsearch algorithm monthly (and their algorithm is made up of hundredsof ranking factors.) A few times a year they completely overhaul itwith cute names like “Penguin 1.0” and “Panda 1.3” but theseupdates aren't cute for your health and security if you're a businessrelying on more than 10% of your sales coming from internet leads.

I was able to help a group who lost over 30% of their web traffic in 24 -hours and nearly 50%of it by the time 48-hours had come to pass. This was a group siteoriginally netting almost 40,000 hits a month and now it had been reduced tothe same traffic just one of their little OEM sites was used togetting, at best. The NEW inventory page was completely de-indexed! Had I not been involved, who knows ifanyone at the dealership would have noticed a dip in traffic until amonth or two later? And would they have been able to trace back theroot cause of it AND be able to fix it before they fell so deep inthe results they may as well not even be there? How many dealershipshave been affected by this and are standing around wondering why theinternet leads aren't what they once were, throwing money at tryingthe newest gimmicky lead provider, since they don't know any better?

The scary truth is that Google does notcare about you, your employees, nor their families if it meanscompromising the quality of their search results - so if youunknowingly disobey the laws of the land, they WILL cast you out,often without warning. The auto industry has survived for too long with thisstatus-quo of willful ignorance and this year many castles built ofsand will crumble – secure yourself and you will outlast allof your competitors.

AutomoSEO | 484-432-1012 - zach@automoseo.com - www.automoseo.com
We have talked to a company called PCG who seem pretty good but we'd like to talk to as many companies as possible. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!

Ok, let's break this down. You mentioned the following:

Handle all of our digital marketing.
Build us
Handle our PPC.

These areas can mean so many things because they vary so widely. The build-out of all these parts (custom landing pages, external sites that contribute towards SERP optimization, PPC keyword research/management/constant tweaking) is actually the easy part.

The harder part, the most sophisticated part, include things like link-building, A/B split testing of landing pages, organic keyword ranking. There's a lot that goes into that. I would ask any vendor how many hours they are going to spend on your account each day. Not week, but day. This is a daily job - and can easily be a full-time job - not weekly... so the if they say, "Oh, about an hour or two a day." It might be worth it to dig a little deeper to see exactly what they are going to do.

The entire key is to get details.

How much detail did you get into with PCG?

I can't do the work but I would be happy to talk with you on the phone to flesh out where you are right now with respect to your competitors, who has done what so far, where you fall in the pecking order (1st place, 2nd, last?), what you really need vs. what vendors tell you what you need. So feel free to message me or you can ask questions here - DR is filled with smart peeps.
Sam, I appreciate your insight and the truth that is contained within your post.

I made a reply earlier addressing this, but it's still waiting for approval (or maybe was even filtered by big brother? I know a lot of people peddling their snake-oil drenched pseudo-SEO "services" and the such are going to be threatened.)

It is indeed a full-time gig just doing the SEO end properly and that assumes they have the passion/drive required to keep up with its constant evolution.

I'm on a mission to do two things:

1. Drastically increase the quality of automotive marketing services available to dealers

2. Educate managers and authoritative figures on what this game is all about, which will be instrumental in furthering the previous goal.

SEO/SEM and Internet Marketing are such a misunderstood niche encompassing a multitude of highly specialized skills, that the amount of people who genuinely excel at them is minuscule. This is good for competition, but bad for customers. Since it doesn't cost much to peddle their "Level 1 Mega SEO Pack" to the masses, there are tons of frauds and confused individuals who are doing things that have drastic repercussions.

One of the main examples I often cite is a dealer group who lost 50% of their 40,000 monthly visitors OVERNIGHT because some 'SEO GURU" in years past had bought thousands of crappy backlinks and keyword-stuffed all of their titles, descriptions and content. Then when Google decided to take a stand against the garbage...BOOM! Bye, bye internet leads. Luckily, I noticed what happened and worked 16-hour days until it was fixed, but it was not pretty.

Please be aware of what you're doing, invest in your future, take an active interest in internet marketing for your dealership and support those such as myself who wish to change things for the better.


-Zach Bennett,Founder of AutomoSEO and self-described analytic aficionado.

AutomoSEOSMALLER.jpg www.AutomoSEO.com | 484-432-1012 | help@automoseo.com


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Ok, let's break this down. You mentioned the following:

Handle all of our digital marketing.
Build us
Handle our PPC.

These areas can mean so many things because they vary so widely. The build-out of all these parts (custom landing pages, external sites that contribute towards SERP optimization, PPC keyword research/management/constant tweaking) is actually the easy part.

The harder part, the most sophisticated part, include things like link-building, A/B split testing of landing pages, organic keyword ranking. There's a lot that goes into that. I would ask any vendor how many hours they are going to spend on your account each day. Not week, but day. This is a daily job - and can easily be a full-time job - not weekly... so the if they say, "Oh, about an hour or two a day." It might be worth it to dig a little deeper to see exactly what they are going to do.

The entire key is to get details.

How much detail did you get into with PCG?

I can't do the work but I would be happy to talk with you on the phone to flesh out where you are right now with respect to your competitors, who has done what so far, where you fall in the pecking order (1st place, 2nd, last?), what you really need vs. what vendors tell you what you need. So feel free to message me or you can ask questions here - DR is filled with smart peeps.

Yes Sam, they would be doing all of this. We are already very competitive with all of this in our marketplace ("dominate" might be a stretch, but we do VERY well). We're just always looking to improve. Are you available via phone? After this weekend would be best.
One of the most important things you could ever do is track and manage your analytic data religiously. The scariest thing to me is seeing the sheer volume of dealership websites who have NO Google Analytics or Webmaster Tools tracking code on them, whatsoever. Let alone custom reporting and alerts, which not many people even in the mid-to-upper echelons of marketing have an entirely firm grasp of.

This is equivalent to throwing a ball, closing your eyes and hoping it makes it without even knowing if a hoop exists for it to go into. With proper configuration and integration you can literally have an outline of where every little piece of traffic originates, how they use your site and where you can improve or capitalize. This also helps you identify things that are wasting your money by sending garbage traffic.

I always come across people complaining about the ROI in Social Media but I think they just might be unaware of how to track it.

Do you know how many visitors your site gets from all that posting you do on Facebook? How about all those YouTube videos you're (hopefully) posting?

Do you know how many of those people actually put in a lead? And which pages they looked at before they did it, including which page they submitted the lead on, using which form?! How about what pages they went to afterwards?

Do you have daily reports showing the % of new visitors who visit your site from each of the towns within a 25, 50 and 100-mile radius?

Are you alerted any time a certain page or specific traffic medium fluctuates very unnaturally so you can track technical issues such as broken links or search engine listing problems (like when Google does updates?)

I can compile and monitor all of this and thousands of other things that all have profound impact on your strategies and success once you can take advantage of knowing them.
One of the most important things you could ever do is track and manage your analytic data religiously. The scariest thing to me is seeing the sheer volume of dealership websites who have NO Google Analytics or Webmaster Tools tracking code on them, whatsoever. Let alone custom reporting and alerts, which not many people even in the mid-to-upper echelons of marketing have an entirely firm grasp of.

This is equivalent to throwing a ball, closing your eyes and hoping it makes it without even knowing if a hoop exists for it to go into. With proper configuration and integration you can literally have an outline of where every little piece of traffic originates, how they use your site and where you can improve or capitalize. This also helps you identify things that are wasting your money by sending garbage traffic.

I always come across people complaining about the ROI in Social Media but I think they just might be unaware of how to track it.

Do you know how many visitors your site gets from all that posting you do on Facebook? How about all those YouTube videos you're (hopefully) posting?

Do you know how many of those people actually put in a lead? And which pages they looked at before they did it, including which page they submitted the lead on, using which form?! How about what pages they went to afterwards?

Do you have daily reports showing the % of new visitors who visit your site from each of the towns within a 25, 50 and 100-mile radius?

Are you alerted any time a certain page or specific traffic medium fluctuates very unnaturally so you can track technical issues such as broken links or search engine listing problems (like when Google does updates?)

I can compile and monitor all of this and thousands of other things that all have profound impact on your strategies and success once you can take advantage of knowing them.

Yes we do all this.
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