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  1. Cheri James

    Online Appointment Conversion KPI - XTime

    Oh, now we are talking. It was late last night and I must not have read everything in context. So not only can we provide all sorts of comparative data- we can look at OEM, Xtime-wide, Dealer group’s of similar size and we can absolutely work with you on A/B testing variations- let me make sure...
  2. Cheri James

    Will Someone Please Copy the Domino’s Pizza Tracker?

    I have literally been saying this for years as a Fixed Ops Director. Lol
  3. Cheri James

    Online Appointment Conversion KPI - XTime

    Hey Dan, I sure never thought I’d be on this end of the spectrum in my automotive career but oh well- I still feel like I belong to the car biz! I am a Senior Manager with Performance Management in Xtime and was actually just looking for some printable resources I remember existing in internet...