ai technology

  1. beawesomelee11

    Fraud rates on the rise for auto?

    After some research, I found a surprising report from TransUnion showing that the auto finance industry has the largest exposure to synthetic identity fraud, at $1.8 billion, 14 times the exposure compared to retail credit cards. I've spent the past 8 years developing verification and fraud...
  2. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday AI Flavored in Dubai & Europe for US Car Dealers? Tarek Kabrit w/ Seezar!

    View: The DealerRefresh community got pretty excited about the depth of conversation within some European dealership websites. We discovered it was powered by an AI system called Seezar. And then, the people behind Seezar joined the conversation on...
  3. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Dealer Chat with Ai - Video, Ai and Trends | Carol and Ted. of ActivEngage

    View: Did ChatGPT replace Ted Rubin as CEO of ActivEngage? If it manages as well as it chats, why not! You can bet we will ask Ted and Carol about the role of A.I. in chat experiences. We're also curious about what they do with video in...