data security

  1. P

    CDK Outage & Potential Services

    Hi All, As we all know, the CDK outage completely disrupted our industry. I have started thinking about ways to ensure that dealerships' and employees' data are protected in the future. If you have a few minutes, would you please complete the survey below? Thank you in advance, and go Boilers...
  2. grant@pricedrite

    Is there an Anti-Virus, Firewall, & Anti-Spyware software worth using over Microsoft Defender?

    Now that the new FTC rules are live, is it worth it to find better tools than Microsoft Defender?
  3. ideveroux

    Any companies that Deduplicate CRM Data

    Does anyone know of any company that can de-duplicate our records in VinSolutions? I am trying to clean up our CRM before we begin deleting records with the new FTC Regulations going into effect in December. We, and i'm sure everyone does, have tens of thousands of service records which do not...
  4. RefreshFriday Ep. 30 Jeffrey Tognetti & Mike Phillips

    RefreshFriday Ep. 30 Jeffrey Tognetti & Mike Phillips

    Jeffrey Tognetti and Mike Phillips explore the deepest corners of data theft and how vendors legally do it through contracts with dealers. It is scary! Man...
  5. RefreshFriday Ep. 27 Alexander Lau and Craig Hooghiem talking about Data theft

    RefreshFriday Ep. 27 Alexander Lau and Craig Hooghiem talking about Data theft

    How is data stolen from dealership websites? Alexander Lau, Craig Hooghiem, Jeff Kershner, and Alex Snyder explore many of the aspects of data being siphone...
  6. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Dealer DATA on FULL DISPLAY - A call for SECURITY!! | Jon Berna & Ryan Moore

    Dealer Data on full display - A call for SECURITY!! @jon.berna and Ryan Moore have been collecting dealer data and some cool insights for years. We call Berna the “D.R. Truth” because of it, and we’re stoked he is going to let his Chief Technology Officer out of the development cave to show...
  7. ryan.gerardi

    Rollout of Data Processing Amendment version 2.0 to reflect the GDPR

    The following message is from the G Suite team. I can't determine if it even applies to me and my business. There doesn't seem to be any ramifications for not opting in, yet it seems like "opting in" isn't actually an option. What if I take no action? What will happen? Any ideas or input would...
  8. Scottymax13

    Recommendations for Vehicle Document Scanning & Archiving?

    Was wondering if anyone out there had recommendations for RO, Parts, and dealer jacket scanning and archiving? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Steve Stauning

    Did DealerBuilt DMS Really Get Hacked?

    I am curious if this is a true news story about a major data breach at DealerBuilt: It's only on and nowhere else. If it's true, why hasn't Automotive News picked it up? If it's not, who...