
  1. Nathan F

    What marketing avenue is most respected in the industry?

    Alright I have heard over and over that dealer principles/owners and managers are inundated with people pitching them shit day in day out. As a future vendor in Aus myself I have been asking myself what strategy ill use to take my product to dealerships. So what avenue do you respect and give...
  2. Chris Vitale


    Auto dealership managers and leaders, you know this scene well: a lively sales floor with phones ringing nonstop, yet the sinking feeling that your sales numbers won’t reflect the bustling atmosphere. You’re seeing plenty of web traffic and inbound calls, but the number of closed deals struggles...
  3. cardealercopy

    Do dealers really even need writing to advertise?

    If you manage a car dealership or its marketing, you can help. Do dealers really even need much writing to advertise? If so, how? Car dealer sites don't have much writing, new or used, big or small. Most home pages don't even have 300 words. (You may know: in general, the recommended minimum...
  4. RickWillis

    Losing sales to pond scum

    You’re not one of “those” dealerships, so stop sounding like them. A salesman for one of my clients said to me, “I’ve worked at 7 or 8 other dealerships, and I’ve learned most people would rather go to the dentist than step foot on a car lot.” Ouch! The truth is, and you know it – in your...
  5. jakehughes

    How to Set up Google Business Profile Tracking and Attribution // Local Marketing Insider #026

    If you’ve ever asked yourself: How many people see my GBP? How many people visit my website from my GBP? How many people have contacted my business via the GBP? Then this article has you covered. And you can set this up for your business for free, using Google’s software tools. *Google...
  6. Chris Vitale

    We Are What We Repeatedly Do

    You'd be living under a rock if you hadn't noticed that dealers cannot keep enough inventory on their lots right now. Heck, cars are selling before they've even arrived! Not to mention, because of the short supply, dealers are actually making profits on the frontend again (it’s glorious!)...
  7. Chris Vitale

    Fix The Root Cause - "We aren't closing enough leads"

    "We aren't closing enough leads,” said the GM, “so let's add another $5k in advertising! That will do the trick." Sure, spending more will produce more leads, maybe. And sure, you might close more as a result, maybe. But why aren't we talking about the root cause of not having a good closing...
  8. ed.brooks

    Is Google launching a true attribution tool?

    Yesterday, my twitter feed blew up with the news of the newly announced Google Attribution tool. Finally - we may be able to end Last Click Attribution! Then, as I started to learn more, this seemed more like a PPC Justification Tool. It seems that is designed to put the fat thumb of Google on...