#RefreshFriday AI Flavored in Dubai & Europe for US Car Dealers? Tarek Kabrit w/ Seezar!

Jeff Kershner

Staff member
May 1, 2005
First Name

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/45bsJVlqVnQ

The DealerRefresh community got pretty excited about the depth of conversation within some European dealership websites. We discovered it was powered by an AI system called Seezar. And then, the people behind Seezar joined the conversation on DealerRefresh.

We have been talking to the Seez crew to learn more about their approach to AI, and it is now time to discuss it on RefreshFriday—because it is cool! Seez is the company behind the product, Seezar, and we're excited to speak to Seez's CEO, Tarek Kabrit.

Seezar is coming to the United States. Now is the time to learn more about how they are bringing their success from Dubai and Europe across the pond.

Join us LIVE on Facebook, LinkedIn, or YouTube Friday at 1PM

Towards the end of the show, I mentioned and we lightly discussed some of the new AI Personal Hardware devices and service currently being introduced.

Here are a few: