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Case Study Volunteers Needed for Import and Domestic Brand Buyers Shopping Patterns and use of Live

Apr 4, 2010
First Name
Case Study Volunteer Dealerships Needed:

We are looking for 2 of each Honda, Subaru, BMW and Toyota Dealers and 2 of each Chevrolet, Ford and Dodge Dealers that do not currently utilize a Live Chat tool on their website to participate in a two month Case Study regarding the shopping patterns of Import & Domsetic buyers and the effectiveness of Live Chat on dealer websites. Volunteers will receive 2 FREE months of Client~ConneXion Live Web Chat Application with Onsite Accountability Training. Must meet Requirements.

During the Case Study, Dealer Volunteers will receive 2 months of Chat~ConneXion - Live Web Chat Application with initial Onsite Accountability Training, and Best Practices of our most successful dealerships at no cost.

Volunteers Expectations:
· Current website lead conversion increase of 40-65%.
· Overall increase in online consumer satisfaction rating.
· Shortened purchase cycle for internet buyers.
· Increased Parts and Service departments internet exposure

Offer: Client
~ConneXion will provide Volunteer Dealerships with Chat~ConneXion – Online Live Web Chat Application, Onsite Accountibility Training, Best Practices of our most successful dealerships, and ongoing monitoring throughout the 2 month study to increase lead conversion and consumer participation.

Please note that there is no obligation to continue the service after the study is complete.


1. Monthly Average of 5000 unique website visitors.
2. Provide current documented closing average (minimum of 10%) of website leads with CRM results tracking.
3. Schedule Onsite Accountability Training with mandatory attendance and participation of Sales and Service teams.
4. Use all features of our service.
5. Provide current lead conversion percentages for the last two months.
6. Provide a bi-weekly report (on our form).
7. Provide feedback on potential improvements to our software and service as well as suggestions.
8. Agree to allow us to use the data obtained to be published in our case study.
This Case Study will be used for our publication and distribution online, as well as in marketing pieces going forward.
Contact Elaine Harper at 972.302.8327