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Commercial Production Companies


Grease Monkey
Apr 29, 2009
First Name
Not sure where this should be posted, so move the thread to the appropriate place. Anyhow, I am looking for a production company to create and shoot creative commercials for us. My goal is to brand PrestonAuto.com in a funny way. Something along the lines of the CARMAX commercials. Anyone have any recommendations??

Our current advertising company does a good job w/ your standard payment commercials, so I'm not look for that.
Look local to freelancers, they generally don't charge all that much and need all the work they can get.

LinkedIn is a good place to start. Google for local creative netoworks that might have a NING site and poke around. Find someone on twitter that has a reasonable following in your local area and ask them if they know of anyone. Call a local college or uni and see if you can get in touch with a digital communications prof or instructor - they're eager to help out the kids that work hard for them and will be too happy to give them a hand. I think you'll be surprised at what kind of talent you can find.