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Thanks for answering my question DR Truth, I've seen this correlation a lot, it's nice to see it in a study!  ;-) 

100 units  ... Avg Engagement = ~225

200 units  ... Avg Engagement = ~250

400 units  ... Avg Engagement = ~310

800 units  ... Avg Engagement = ~420

Smaller Store Takeaways:

  • Marketing: Smaller stores without any inventory advantage (i.e. scarcity or Velocity) are doomed to attract grinder shoppers (who'll visit 3,4,5 stores)
  • Sales:  What a bi-polar world you're in. You've got loyal hyper-local shoppers (who know your store's name), and then there's everyone else. They don't know your store,  they're a friggin battle.

Big Store Takeaways:

  • Marketing: You've got it all. A big ad budget, a deep product selection... the perfect setup for a 1stop sale.
  • Sales:  Sales come easy here, even order takers will make a great living (if the GSM doesn't ax you ;-).

To the victor goes the spoils...  Big stores have sooooo many advantages.  This is just the tip of the ice berg.