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Smaller stores are not doomed, they just have to be smart (& lucky too ;-)

Look at the red box below.  These stores are high-performance outliers.  The shoppers on these websites are super interested.  These dealers are CRUSHING their shopper engagement stats...  


Jon, whats going on here? 

A quick look at the Variables that could swing these numbers:

  1. Small Markets? (big fish in small pond ;-)
  2. Franchise? (Jag vs Kia)
  3. Inventory Scarcity?
  4. Velocity dealer? (crushing the 'Gurus listings)
  5. Destination Dealer?  (a long drive from major market)
  6. New/Used ratio highly skewed to used?
  7. etc..

Ugh!  Look at all the variables!    But... If there are ANY attributes that a dealer has influence over (e.g. photos, new/used mix, scarcity, velocity, etc) that would be very helpful.

