#RefreshFriday DealerTalk is on DealerRefresh | Herb Anderson is in the house!

Jeff Kershner

Staff member
May 1, 2005
First Name

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf1WlIwDdPM

Podcasting, stuff in the car biz, and what's working for dealers. That's what you can expect from a conversation with Herb and DealerRefresh.

Herb Anderson is the CEO of Dealer Talk with an amazing dashboard to help his clients watch what moves the needle in their dealerships. And he is a podcaster! Surprise, surprise, DealerTalk is the name of his show with co-host Charity, and they do deep-dive interviews much like RefreshFriday.

We are looking forward to geeking out with Herb on what it is like to podcast, what he's doing for dealers, and the overall state of the industry.

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