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Digital Air Strike in trouble?


Dec 30, 2009
First Name
Wow the blogger should really change the name of their blog to "I absolutely hate DAS, and I hope they burn in hell!!". Either Mrs Venneri killed their dog, fired them or are their competition but pretty tough to put any weight into something so inflamatory and borderline childish, lol. It is also funny that their examples on this breaking news is stuff that happened 2-3 years ago.
I use DAS, and to date they have done a great job for me.
I don't care how much I'm against a service, product, or vendor, there are two rules I abide by: don't make it personal (even if it is) and don't publish anything that you're unwilling to put your name on. If Edward Snowden went public for what he published, everyone else should as well.
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I saw those posts last week. It seems like a clear insider to me. Someone with a personal hate for the company. That being said, the glass door reviews from past and current employees seem to verify what is being said. I have had very little faith in the company for awhile now based on my experiences in a strictly business sense. I have no relationships with anyone at the company to be able to have an open conversation with them about any of this, so I can only base my opinions on my experience.
I do agree that posting in this way is cowardly and more so not allowing the company to address these as concerns. There is a part of me that feels bad for them. Let's be honest here... any one of us could have a crazy ex-employee that could make us look bad if they wanted to with the right know-how and dedication. I'm not sure how much this affects any of their accounts and to what degree... I would LOVE more information.
Thanks for posting Yago!

It is a good question to ask. At this point, I don't feel as though I have enough information. What I do have is some opinions of individuals.
I don't feel as though review management/monitoring is a hoax in itself. Someone needs to do it. If people feel so strongly, they should hire someone to do it in-house. The solution is a product not a service, so I can see where people would be upset. If they expect for this to be a human service rather than a tool designed to help you, there will always be a problem.

I will also say that some of the tools feel incomplete and not fully thought through. So, it doesn't fully do the job you're paying for. It also doesn't help with OEMs are shoving them down your throat.

Right now it would seem that we're in a lose-lose-lose. But to definitely have an opinion on specific providers... I feel we need more information.

Yago, sorry I be away from DR for a few days. Truthfully DAS has done a great job for me. They have followed through on every thing they have promised me and they have done good job on the services we have them for.

JD - I absolutely agree with you 100%
I don't care how much I'm against a service, product, or vendor, there are two rules I abide by: don't make it personal (even if it is) and don't publish anything that you're unwilling to put your name on. If Edward Snowden went public for what he published, everyone else should as well.

Yes but... you couldn't when you worked for KPA. Recent events like True Car and Digital Dealer (no need to further explain) tell us that putting your name onine is more dangerous than previously thought.