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#DSES 2013 - See you there!

Loved DSES!

An excellent Canadian breakout session jump started the first day,
followed by Leadership training from a Navy Seal Officer/Commander.

Many actionable items from service/sales bdc concepts, to video production, and google ppc extensions.

Process concepts from Disney. Hummingbird/Google Relation Knowledge Base review from search engine land.

Plus got to meet some awesome folks!

Thanks everyone who put up with me or sat beside me!
So happy to hear you had a great time at DSES - did you get to any breakout speakers?

Loved DSES!

An excellent Canadian breakout session jump started the first day,
followed by Leadership training from a Navy Seal Officer/Commander.

Many actionable items from service/sales bdc concepts, to video production, and google ppc extensions.

Process concepts from Disney. Hummingbird/Google Relation Knowledge Base review from search engine land.

Plus got to meet some awesome folks!

Thanks everyone who put up with me or sat beside me!
For the "normal" ones, the Digital Culture one was especially interesting. DealerTrack was a sales pitch. The extreme targeting one, if memory serves as I left all the material at the dealership, was decent but somewhat forgettable. Not to be harsh, just some blunt impressions.
Some sessions are good, some are bad. The networking is always excellent. Nothing like meeting people face to face and exchanging knowledge and impressions.

One common thread was that the classes were too basic. Let me say that is is hard to measure what's basic and what's advanced in many things but advanced tends to be in the modern dealer somewhat of a specific nature to what forms your system (website, crm, dms, process, etc) and to the problems of your market, and to the problems of your make. I'm a believer that classes may not be the best way to get "advanced knowledge" but I'll tell you what they are good for:

Classes are good for finding the golden nugget. The golden nugget is the one little thing you didn't think about that will allow you to fine tune what you do. If you are already good at what you do, your percentage of incremental knowledge is going to be very small, so be happy with that golden nugget no matter how small it is.

Classes are good for hearing the things we think we know but that we may need to get straighten up. I have knowledge about a lot of things where I can say I know 80% of it. While it is boring to get "refreshed" about that 80% I must go thru the pain in order to sink in another 10% of it and get better at it. We think we know but there is a little bit more left to learn. The better we get at what we do the more painful is to go over the entire thing again.

Classes are good if you are open minded and are willing to go over you process, discard what you have, and focus things from a different angle. I talked to dealers that thought it was basic to hear someone talking about new car photos and videos yet they don't have new car photos and videos implemented. The speakers remind me the things I know I have to do but I don't and sometimes with enough pushed I get done.
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