I've run a ton of FB ad campaigns over the years and the results for the latest campaigns are getting interesting. For those of you who care, here are the numbers (screenshot attached of same).

BTW, it's for a Toyota store in Oklahoma.
1. Running from Sept. 2 to end of month.
2. Total cost to date, as of Sept. 16th, just under $100.
3. Total clicks to website to date: 276.
4. Webform leads to date 4.
5. Calls to date: (? because I'm not using a tracking number on the landing page. I should have and I will next run.)
My takeaway is twofold:
A) ~.36 cents per website click is a champ in my book.
B) 4 solid, real, webform leads isn't bad, either (I checked them in Vin and all have been contacted and verified).
Sure, you could say, 4 leads @ $25 a piece is on the high side, and that's true, but I can't account for calls (yet) and that additional traffic is always valuable. This will be a nice spend of $150 IMHO.
Anyway, that's that.
BTW, the reason half the ad budget is used up by mid-month is only because I changed the lifetime budget.

BTW, it's for a Toyota store in Oklahoma.
1. Running from Sept. 2 to end of month.
2. Total cost to date, as of Sept. 16th, just under $100.
3. Total clicks to website to date: 276.
4. Webform leads to date 4.
5. Calls to date: (? because I'm not using a tracking number on the landing page. I should have and I will next run.)
My takeaway is twofold:
A) ~.36 cents per website click is a champ in my book.
B) 4 solid, real, webform leads isn't bad, either (I checked them in Vin and all have been contacted and verified).
Sure, you could say, 4 leads @ $25 a piece is on the high side, and that's true, but I can't account for calls (yet) and that additional traffic is always valuable. This will be a nice spend of $150 IMHO.
Anyway, that's that.
BTW, the reason half the ad budget is used up by mid-month is only because I changed the lifetime budget.