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GM Double and Triple Dumping Leads into Funnel?


Thanks for the reply, but my PMA does not include parts of Eastern Washington, our dealership is located just south of Seattle.

I've sent several "test leads" through a few of the 3rd Party sites that GM has been purchasing leads from while we were part of the program.....send them at 8:30 am and receive them at 11:44 pm. In fact I received replies from other dealerships that were purchasing the leads directly from the sites during the day before I received the lead myself. My biggest pet peeve about the whole program is that GM wants an immediate response to their leads, but they wait several hours before passing the information along to a dealerships CRM vendor.....

I wish it was as easy as sending the bad lead to my DSM. I guess some dealers have good ones and others have the ones that barely know how to turn on a computer.

I have always had great response and help from the 1 source support folks, in fact, I feel they have been upfront and honest with me and seem to truly go out of their way to ensure my issues are resolved to my satisfaction. However, I don't think they have control over the TPL issues, which I wholeheartedly agree with you, they are bogus, and in most cases, they are leads that are recycled from 3rd party lead sources from eon's ago who are able to sell, and resell these "out of date" leads to OEM's, in our case, GM. I can backup your research of terrible, not real, and bogus late night leads to fill the Grand Canyon, however, just like UP's that come on the lot, you can never tell just by looking at them if they are buyer's, so you must work all them with your process and never give up on them until they buy, die, or tell you to leave them alone, of course, you still try, right? So I keep on working those late night TPL's, because, even if you know, you never know!

I'm just waiting till that one day that I actually meet the decision maker that came up with the current response program and find out what their motive(s) are, then maybe I'll be able to sleep. But please don't harbor ill feelings with the support staff, they're as much in the dark as we are :o
Mike, I'm sorry if I made it seem like I blamed the support staff at onesource. You are right, it's not that they don't help, its that they don't have the training or access to the answers that I am looking for. If you'd really like to know who up the chain is directing that ship shoot me an email and I can get you some contact info for a few people at GM.

Drew, from what I can tell (and from the cancellation form) that is the only logical explanation.