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Has anyone done an Email Appending


Uncle Joe
Apr 7, 2009
First Name
We've got a jillion customers over the years and only a few thousand email addresses. Has anyone have any experiences with companies that match postal info to email info? (aka Email Append Services).

I'm 15 mins into research, at 1st glance, This company looks to be an authority:
Email Append Services - Email Appending - TowerData

Thoughts and experiences appreciated!
I did an email append once when I signed up with AutoRevenue a few years ago and Mercedes-Benz offered it to their dealers at my previous job and we picked up many good email addresses both times. Just make sure you research many different vendors and make sure you not only get the best price but also don't get blacklisted because the company doesn't get opt in addresses. I remember when we did use AutoRevenue a couple of years ago they not only get the email address but send out an opt in request and we only paid for the customer's that opted in!
Autobase does an E-Append for us. Not sure if E-Append is the company name or not. Had a problem with them updating the emails that we already had and were good. I am not too strong of a believer in email appending. We have a 60% capture rate for the store so that is a MAJOR plus.
We do it through Polk and our CRM administers it for us. Polk does a double Opt-in for email append and no one has more data than Polk. I have heard that AB is switching from Polk to Authenticom because supposedly they got better returns from Authenticom. However, we are staying with Polk. Some shady things with the Autobase switch:

A) Dominion who owns Autobase also owns Authenticom - so I don't know how much credit I give to their claims of better results. I think it's more of a case of cost for Autobase and a matter of getting business to Authenticom for Dominion.

B) I have had issues with Authenticom in the past, as have many others I know and EVEN Autobase before they were owned by Dominion.