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Is there a good Sell My Car tool for my website?

To clarify, I never said CarMax is the "best," Rather, I said it looks fantastic. And when I say that, I'm referring to the clean look and ease of use. We have a buying center and we buy a lot of vehicles via KBB/ICO. It isn't my favorite, but I've decided to add their widget to my website. We'll see how it goes!
Sell DGDG looks the easiest to use.

Toyota ... like so many mobile sites, block half the screen with irritating chat bots.
Honda ... looks simple but it's confusing.

I like the anderson one's make/model choice since it allows me to stay annon.

vana and max ... I might tend more towards vanna. I like the blue back ground.
Honda ... looks simple but it's confusing. [snip] ... I like the blue back ground.

UI is NOT UX, the UI is one tool in the UX designer's giant toolset.

Great design is hard work. It's a blend of science and art.
Shopping is a task, car shoppers have a job to do. Agreed? Great design obsesses about task completion (i.e. yield). When you're studying any UI you must fully embrace the users 'job to be done' (aka UX). Tasks have a beginning and an end, The UI 'should' create a path that intuitively aligns with the task to be done. In this path are choices. steps or stages. UX designers get paid to find friction in the workflow, then design new UI's to assist the shopper to go deeper into task completion.

This is why digital automotive is so far behind other digital spaces. The designers have never worked in a dealership, they ALL have access to reams of dealer's leads, call recordings, chat transcripts and they all defer to their 'feelings'.

Lets say you were creating a digital UX for a hospital and you've been tasked to improve the ROI of a flawed site. How mission critical is 'white space'? Will a Design makeover help? Yes, but the site UX is still flawed, so the impact to ROI is tiny. If the designer has never worked at a hospital, they have a looong road ahead of them.

(UI = User Interface • UX = User Experience)
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Hi Trevor, my name is Chris I work at Edmunds in the South Seattle/Tacom area. We have a tool that is offered by Edmunds put backed by Carmax and is an ICO tool where your shopper will get offers in minutes and it’s native on your website. I would be happy to set up a meeting and show you how it works. You can contact me at cschmidt@edmunds.com
Hi Trevor, my name is Chris I work at Edmunds in the South Seattle/Tacom area. We have a tool that is offered by Edmunds put backed by Carmax and is an ICO tool where your shopper will get offers in minutes and it’s native on your website. I would be happy to set up a meeting and show you how it works. You can contact me at cschmidt@edmunds.com
Thanks, Chris. We're giving KBB/ICO a fair shot since we already have a process in place for those leads, but if you want to send me a link to a dealer site or two that uses your tool, I'll check it out and reach out to you if/when we want to make a change.

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