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Lead Volume Doubles Triples Due to Cash for Clunkers

Jeff Kershner

Staff member
May 1, 2005
First Name
How many of you are experiencing Double to almost Triple the lead volume since CARS?

Many of our dealers are receiving leads in volumes where we are straight up not able to keep up.

I always hear across the industry "we NEVER cherry pick our leads" and "we treat every leads the same". I wonder how these dealers are doing now with such a quick increase in leads over the last several weeks?

Anyone else calling their 3rd party leads providers and asking to reduce their lead capture radius to help reduce the volume of leads for a few weeks or are you just pounding through the leads but lacking in the quality of our content?

Have you changed up your auto-responder to reflect a stronger sense of urgency during the overwhelming interest in Cash For Clunkers?

What other measures are you taking to handle your increase in lead volume?
I have heard a lot of dealers that laid people off are not staffed for this type of volume and don't want to hire for a month just to be over staffed in a few weeks/months. I believe from my conversations there is a lot of cherry picking going on right now.

We are not getting request for cancellations but a great demand for chat because of the traffic to dealer sites right now.
My issue is with low inventory. the CARS program wiped us out and now we keep getting leads for things we don't have that people want (Jeep Compass & Patriot)

I decided to let the leads come in because they won't find a car right now and when the 2010 models arrive we can contact them again.

Worth a shot.