We're having a bit of an internal debate here on where or not to sign up with MakeMyDeal. One party wants it while I want nothing to do with it (sorry Will). It reminds me a lot of GM's Shop-Click-Drive which I used for about 3 years at a previous group with poor results. Most people that used it still wanted to negotiate details when they came to the dealership or wouldn't complete the entire process.
Daniel, you mentioned that many times your customers use MMD as another method of contact. Looking at one of your VDPs, I can't help but wonder if that's because the MMD is so prominent that they miss the "Request Information" form below the fold.
I have a lot of concerns with MMD. For example, on Daniel's
website I can only see 3.74% if I want 72 months. If I have good credit I might bounce right there knowing I can get a rate in the 2's. Conversely if the prospect has bad credit, and this happens all the time with SCD, they'll know they have credit issues but blow up because they didn't get 3.74% or a low payment. I see that the prospect has the option to change the credit score, but like the slider with SCD I'd be willing to wager that most people don't touch that drop down.
Also, I absolutely detest having to create accounts to access things online. It annoys me to no end. I would be concerned that some people would abandon the form getting to the create an account screen.
I have other concerns too, like why I have to pay for a "beta" product, but I don't want to keep going on and on or be too negative here.
I'd love to hear from some more people that have used it.