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One Picture or Multiple Pictures on VDP's

Dec 19, 2018
First Name
I would be interest to hear if anyone has any data on the usage of multiple pictures in a slideshow or one picture at a time. We had a single picture for a long time, but the multiple pictures looked so good that I gave it a try. After using it for a while it seemed like the pictures were too small and when clicking into them they were sometimes hard to navigate. The other byproduct that I wasn't thinking about was our event tracking in GA. The usage of the arrow for clicking through the slideshow was something we measured and the number was reduced so drastically that the conversion tracking was no longer useful. Of course my priority is the customer and not our tracking. So I decided to ask you fine folks. Thoughts?
Is this slider NOT part of the website platform? Since a click is involved, there should be a way of tracking this. I assume your prior set-up, one would have to click the individual image and would receive a larger image...

I agree @BillKVMotorCo - user experience before analytics. I too have been back and forth between a nice delivered image in a slide show vs a larger more detailed image. I "feel" like a larger, higher resolution image does a better job merchandising and showing off the vehicle., possibly increasing conversion. If our shoppers were mostly desktop I would say this should be considered. But since most of our shoppers are mobile, the larger image isn't as much needed.
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Is this slider NOT part of the website platform? Since a click is involved, there should be a way of tracking this. I assume your prior set-up, one would have to click the individual image and would receive a larger image...

I agree @BillKVMotorCo - user experience before analytics. I too have been back and forth between a nice delivered image in a slide show vs a larger more detailed image. I "feel" like a larger, higher resolution image does a better job merchandising and showing off the vehicle., possibly increasing conversion. If our shoppers were mostly desktop I would say this should be considered. But since most of our shoppers are mobile, the larger image isn't as much needed.
The mobile aspect is also one of the reasons I went back to one picture. Even if you have the multiple pictures on desktop it still goes down to one picture on mobile.
Do you not provide mobile access to the other photos at all, or do they only get to see them when the enlarge the first photo?
I just mean that whether your desktop VDP has a one image slideshow or a multiple image slideshow the mobile version still only has a one picture slideshow. But in answer to your question, yes, they can scroll through all of the images.
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I think this is really just a UX question then. As long as the customer knows there are more photos, they can easily engage with them.
The mistake made on mobile is hiding the arrows themselves, because on desktop they show up on hover - it needs to be very clear that it's a carousel of images.

Aside from that, we've done it both ways and I can't say I hate metrics to say one works better than the other.
I'm of the opinion that photo quality is much more important, because if that first photo isn't high quality they aren't as likely to seek out more.