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Opinions on video in car listings

Hi Carsten,

i've experienced that in my teams at different companies too. What's the reason for them not going on video do you know? Is it being uncomfortable with the tech and preferring face to face?

What I find works well is addressing it ahead of time, make it clear that you expect videos on but it's not for a professional setup just so you can see each other's facial expressions etc. At the beginning of the meeting, remind them of the benefit of cameras on so you can see everyone's reactions, who's agreeing/disagreeing etc. Nuances of body language.

Be honest, acknowledge that it's tough being on zoom/slack calls but it's more pleasant for everyone as it makes it more engaging rather than talking to a black box with a name on it. You as the leader will be more engaged as you can feed off their energy so it's beneficial for everyone in the meeting.

Hope this helps!
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videos are, but that's what they have been historically in our industry (or even worse just a photo slideshow turned into a "video") and its trained customers to ignore videos.

I've often wondered this as well. I NEVER click on or watch vehicle "walk-around" videos because I know there's a 90% chance it's nothing more than stitched images. BUT - I'm in the business and figured I was bias. But once you start diving into the video reports around engagement and video play time by source, it becomes obvious.
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@Vicky F Thanks for the tips!

So, I partially asked this because I was thinking that for a sales technology, video chat might be be more nuanced than a phone call or text.
Got you!

Our customers can choose to have 1 way or 2 way video and depending on the situation and what it's being used for, there are uses for both. Some people aren't as comfortable being on video with a stranger but if they've started on a text chat first and moved to video once it makes sense to show a product for example, then people are much happier to do a 2 way. Think it all comes down to the relationship building and rapport at the start.
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Quality videos are not only time consuming but are also harder to do.
We are all in on photo quality.

Compare the shot below to Will G's work (above).

Pictures tell a thousand words.
• GREAT Pictures motivate emotions.
• GREAT Pictures sell cars faster.
• GREAT Pictures sell cars with less discounts.
• GREAT Pictures improve marketing yield.
• GREAT Pictures take share.

There's only one buyer for every seat. Merchandising is not an expense, it's a weapon.

p.s. @Will G. can coach your photo team on best practices.
*A zero-sum game is a situation where the gain of one person is the loss of another.
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There's no doubt in my mind of DISC=YES but the formula is important. The muck about to get it right and produce the right content is illusive to me... (help!? LOL)

With AI and stuctured data, 'productive' content is easier to create. This is a 1st draft I made a few months back.

The seat narrative works well, but the safety feature narrative falls flat.

I'd bet it can be built, but, will it resonate with shoppers? If not, why bother? ;-)