One of the biggest issues we deal with in regards to pictures is that not only do we not have a picture booth, we really don't have ANY good place to take pictures. We actually take pictures in our service drive because it seems to be the only place we can get any consistency. It of course has it's own problems be it getting in our service departments way, lighting or various reflections. We tried taking pictures outside now that we use a background service, but again there were some issues due to the sun. I was stalking some California dealers websites for a completely different reason and noticed that although it is obvious they are taking pictures in the sun, all of their pictures were very consistent and clean. I am wondering if anyone here has found ways to work around some of the same issues that I am having. I know many use outside services, but I would rather continue to handle it internally if possible. What can I say, I'm cheap. Plus, I'm in the middle of nowhere so hiring an outside source to take them isn't practical. Got anything for me?