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Seminar-Colorado March 19-20th


Dec 30, 2009
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Innovative Dealer Summit :: Home Page

PGI Auto is a proud sponsor of the upcoming Colorado Innovative Dealer Summit on March 19-20[SUP]th[/SUP] at the Colorado Convention Center.

Geoff Wilkings will represent PGI on the 19th at 3-4pm: Exploding Website Conversion.

Geoff will also give away 5,000 FREE custom Craig’s List ads with onClick reporting to one of the seminar participants.

Geoff will be presenting the major changes in PGI’s/Dealer E Process new website platform, what we internally call the 2.0 system. This system recently received several awards from AWA (Pinnacle website award, best mobile) and Driving Sales—see photo below (best website platform, best SEO, best SEM, and best mobile website).

Geoff will share data about mobile conversion and content management as well as the reasons behind the system that we build and why it has been awarded with the top 2 website industry awards.

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