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SEO is Great but do you REALLY Know what Keywords Matter?

At a glance...


Note: Web Skillz (aka demos) = Web Knowledge (aka demographics)
This column is an attempt to lable the google user's web skill level.

This table is still valid 2.5 years later, except, SEO is nearly dead and this applies best to PPC now. How the times have changed.

Example of Short tail growing to long tail....
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Alex Jefferson is curious about which keywords help sell cars online. He's heard that short keywords like "Honda Dallas" are popular, but longer ones like "2009 Honda Accord Dallas" might actually be what buyers use. Alex wonders if that's really true and is asking what everyone else thinks. He wants to know which keywords you're using and if tools like Google's keyword tool or your own website stats help you figure out the best ones. Alex is looking for tips on which keywords really work to make sales.