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Seth Godin's Squidoo sets out collect social buzz

Jeff Kershner

Staff member
May 1, 2005
First Name
Seth Godin announced today that Squidoo would start aggregating online social buzz (good and bad) for larger companies, calling it Brands in Public - "You can't control what people are saying about you. What you can do is organize that speech."

Seth's Blog: Launching Brands in Public

This might get interesting if car manufactures start getting added to the list. I suspect that if this really takes of as I'm sure Seth sets out to do, this could eventually migrate to smaller companies including car dealers.

How about paying $400 a month to respond to positive and negative online PR??
Squidoo lost all its SE benefit while back....

I am glad you believe that. Screen cap below was taken on 9/26/09 at 12:40 pm. 29 lenses getting roughly 10,000 visits per month all from the search engine.

Let me further clarify this... am I seeing the same SEO benefit form squidoo lens... as in early 06/07... NO. Am I getting paid more... then what I made before... yes... as the number of lenses have increased... so have the community payout pool. But if I put the same effort on a my own adsense site I could be dbling that amount... just my 2 cents.